British dragon questions


New member
Is BD a legit pharma now? My Hrt doc had some British dragon deca! I've heard lots of rumors but does anyone really know?
When the doc told me what he had I questioned him and he went to go get it and showed me. Actually first time I seen it. It had a hologram and imprint of a dragon on the rubber top. He said it wasn't ug cause it came from his supplier supposidly. What do you guys make of it?
shit man, I'm gonna have to go with b2see's advice here, there are so many BD fakes out there I won't trust any of it
This is very strange. No US doctor should have BD. I think his license would be in jeopardy if he as caught dispensing this.

Not only would no doc have bd but why would a hrt doc have deca laying around. I could see if he was treating aids patients or something for muscle wasting but thats odd to say the least.
I don't believe it.. i just don't.. NO DOCTOR has just plain bottles of TEST laying around let alone UGL Phased out Old school or counterfeit BD Deca.. Unless.. He's a juicer himself.. so.. haha.. I call LIE. No offense.

Bro, I just think this was your neat lil way of trying to find out if BD was still legit or not to be perfectly honest.
Sorry boss- no disrespect, but I call BS on this too. I have been around 22+ years and I have never heard a doc prescribe or even think about prescribing UG lab stuff and risking the loss of his license. He should be prescribing companies like Upjohn, Eli-Lilly and the like.
Something just isn't right here...
Your just jealous that my doc is bad ass. Lol. One of the many rumors I heard about BD was they turned into a legit pharm company. That's why I asked.
Im personally jealous that I am not on HRT, even though years ago I qualified, I now just diagnose and treat myself.

Id rather have upjohn, schering, human grade over almost any product out there, so if you can get enough dosage of that, Id go with that hands down!!!

My levels are naturally low now I mean super low. The only good thing is a bottle of test cost me around 8 bucks now.
Im personally jealous that I am not on HRT, even though years ago I qualified, I now just diagnose and treat myself.

Id rather have upjohn, schering, human grade over almost any product out there, so if you can get enough dosage of that, Id go with that hands down!!!

LOL, Its the American Way it seems
Your just jealous that my doc is bad ass. Lol. One of the many rumors I heard about BD was they turned into a legit pharm company. That's why I asked.

BD does not exist anymore. It was an underground lab that was discontinued, so it could not possibly become a legitimate pharmaceutical company. If your doctor actually has some BD sitting around, it is either old or counterfeit, and he got it the way any of us would hypothetically get it. There are no U.S. companies that make deca for human use that I know of, so a doc prescribing deca would have to give you a legitimate international pharmaceutical company that makes it, but they only prescribe it in the case of HIV+ patients as I was told by my endo.