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Steroids Bust in Poland Disrupts European Black Market

By Millard Baker | Steroid Arrests
1 Comment

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<!-- tweetandlike-container -->A major steroids bust in Poland has disrupted the European black market for anabolic steroids and performance-enhancing drugs. Over 250 police officers and customs agents were involved in the largest law enforcement operation to target illegal steroid distribution in the history of Poland.
The Biura Kryminalnego KGP (national police) and Służby Celnej (customs) raided residences and detained 23 members of the underground criminal group at exactly 6:00AM in 10 provinces around the country.
Police seized over one million units of anabolic steroids and human growth hormone valued in excess of $10 million. They confiscated $500,000 in cash, luxury automobiles (BMW, Mercedes, Nissan, Volkswagen) valued at $900,000, computers, storage devices and mobile phones.
In addition, $2.2 million in assets were frozen in bank accounts belonging to individuals involved in the steroid ring.
Some of the individuals detained during the raid were said to have been past and present athletes involved in strength sports. The detainees included several national and international champions as well as other elite athletes according to the official press release.
The steroid investigation was headed by the prosecutor’s office in Kraków. The defendants are facing numerous charges related to the distribution of anabolic steroid and money laundering.
I seen this on MD's web site.. Saying it was gh15 that got busted.. But someone else said that wasn't true.. So who knows..
I'm not sure who he is.. But I think they was talking about the dude that calls I'm self gh15.. Think Chris250 posted some stuff that he wrote on steroids..
Just putting this out there in case you've not seen the seizure video, but you can clearly tell that Geneza and Balkan brands were seized...
Lol, its not GH15. He's still posting.

Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk

Im not saying your wrong cause i honestly have no clue bro, HOWEVER ...that doesnt mean shit considering weve seen many guys over the years whos computers were seized and the law was posting as them within 24hours and taking orders like nothing was wrong.

But again I trust you know more then me about this guy as I never heard about him, but to say someone wasnt popped just cause they are still posting isnt exactly mind relieving.
Wow. When i read all of this i am reminded of my newbie status...
I now realize that there is a fine line between knowing too much and laying low and keeping things casual
ok guys

i'm just a middle man - this people were BIG and trust me now we'll all have problems with some gear plus I expect a lot of fakes soon... :/
someone will have to fill this gap :)
