Cable Company rant....

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I just moved into a new house and setup installation for cable and internet for yesterday from 2-4pm through Time Warner. I worked yesterday, but had the old lady stay home all day in case I didn't get back from work by 2. So 345 rolls around and I have not seen the fucker nor received any phone calls so I call customer service and they tell me in his notes it shows that he said he tried to call at 220, 224, 253. None of which were to my phone otherwise I would've answered since I obviously want/need cable and internet. So they tell me they'll send him a message to call me and come back. 530 rolls around and still nothing so I call back and they tell me the same thing about his notes, but say they'll tell him to call and leave a message if no answer, but to come back. So I'm thinking well this bastard will show up, but 645 rolls around and still nothing so I call the last time and that's when I'm finally told that it needs to be re-scheduled for Thursday. I told the guy to kiss my ass and to cancel the order because if someone from their company showed up at my house I was going to be in lock up for choking the life out of him. I can't stand Time Warner and I didn't want them in the first place, but the fucking monopoly they run puts me at their mercy.

So I decide that I'm going to call Direct TV and see when they can come out and they tell me not until the 28th. I initially ordered service with them and then that's when they dropped this bomb on me AFTER I set everything up. So I was pissed when I went to bed to say the least.

And I wake up today and figured I'd do some research into Dish and Direct TV (old lady didn't want Dish because they didn't offer AMC). So I found out that Dish has resolved there issue with AMC and now offers it so I decide to give them a call and see what they can do. After calling them, I'm glad to say they'll be out tomorrow to hook up the cable and the internet. Anyone have some complaints with Dish?
I HATED Time Warner- I left them after years of crappy service- I went with Direct TV a year ago and never looked back.
I really like the NFL Ticket- that was a big selling point for me.

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If I liked a team that wasn't the hometown team I'd definitely go with the Sunday ticket, but since the Steelers are the hometown team I can always get their games so it isn't as important to me to watch other teams. I love football, but I'm not willing to wait 2.5 weeks to get it
The Steelers are ur home town team? hows that I thought u lived in Vagina? lol and did u get ur shit hooked up yet or what?

And comcast cable has a monopoly out here as well! its fucked up, and the cable companys all must have some agreement to stick to their own regions, otherwise they would wind up price gouging each other, so this way now they can charge whatever the fuck they want! My cable bill is $250+ per month, and thats without phone service with it, i just use my cell phone as my home phone for years and thats another fucking 228$ a month grrrrr
Presser, don't you guys have verizon tv out there? That's what my brother has. Seemed to be a decent deal for cable + fast internet.
Right down the road is the cutoff for Comcast. I'd rather have them than Time Warner, but Time Warner is here. I ended up going with Dish Network and they came yesterday morning to hook the cable up, but it'll be another 2 weeks before Frontier can come out to set the internet up so I'm stealing the neighbors internet network until then
I just recently got AT&T uverse and so far I love it, picture is just as good if not better in HD then my Cox cable was. Plus im getting internet and tv about 60 cheaper then i was with Cox, and way more channels. Not to mention its nice to have one account for my online billing for uverse and wireless.
Presser, don't you guys have verizon tv out there? That's what my brother has. Seemed to be a decent deal for cable + fast internet.

They just a couple months back layed the lines underground in my neighborhood. But yes Verizon's been in other areas in jersey for a while now.
The Steelers are ur home town team? hows that I thought u lived in Vagina? lol and did u get ur shit hooked up yet or what?

And comcast cable has a monopoly out here as well! its fucked up, and the cable companys all must have some agreement to stick to their own regions, otherwise they would wind up price gouging each other, so this way now they can charge whatever the fuck they want! My cable bill is $250+ per month, and thats without phone service with it, i just use my cell phone as my home phone for years and thats another fucking 228$ a month grrrrr

That's insane man
Tell me about it! As for the cell phone bill, that included my iphone and the wifes iphone and ipad, but still i thinks it fucking way too much! As we were grandfathered in and have unlimited talk, text and data, so thats just the plain old bill, i couldnt imagine it if we were paying for minutes, textx and data usgae
I have a GS3 and my gf has an Iphone and we have unlimited data, texts and 1500 anytime minutes (only if I call a landline) otherwise unlimited incoming, mobile to mobile and I pay $140 and that's with a 25% discount through my employer so otherwise it'd be like $170 or so. Of course can't have insurance on the Iphone, but my GS3 is insured
Ours went out yesterday. The earliest they can get out is Wednesday. It's crazy how dependent we are on that stuff. I've been in a piss poor mood since Silk told me...
Yea, I can go without cable for a little while because I have a shit ton of DVDs and multiple seasons of different shows so I can keep myself occupied. Not to mention this time of year I work almost 12 hours a day so I only watch TV for a couple hours a night. But I'm actually satisfied with Dish Network although I'd have rather had DirecTV, but since they couldn't get here for over 2 weeks it made my decision very easy to go with Dish since they came out the next day
I have a GS3 and my gf has an Iphone and we have unlimited data, texts and 1500 anytime minutes (only if I call a landline) otherwise unlimited incoming, mobile to mobile and I pay $140 and that's with a 25% discount through my employer so otherwise it'd be like $170 or so. Of course can't have insurance on the Iphone, but my GS3 is insured

why cant you have insurance on the iphone? We have it on both our Iphones, did that change to cause like i said were Grandfathered in to the old original plans they had,
Yea, I can go without cable for a little while because I have a shit ton of DVDs and multiple seasons of different shows so I can keep myself occupied. Not to mention this time of year I work almost 12 hours a day so I only watch TV for a couple hours a night. But I'm actually satisfied with Dish Network although I'd have rather had DirecTV, but since they couldn't get here for over 2 weeks it made my decision very easy to Dish since they came out the next day

Didn't you get fired from being Elmo ?
I just moved into a new house and setup installation for cable and internet for yesterday from 2-4pm through Time Warner. I worked yesterday, but had the old lady stay home all day in case I didn't get back from work by 2. So 345 rolls around and I have not seen the fucker nor received any phone calls so I call customer service and they tell me in his notes it shows that he said he tried to call at 220, 224, 253. None of which were to my phone otherwise I would've answered since I obviously want/need cable and internet. So they tell me they'll send him a message to call me and come back. 530 rolls around and still nothing so I call back and they tell me the same thing about his notes, but say they'll tell him to call and leave a message if no answer, but to come back. So I'm thinking well this bastard will show up, but 645 rolls around and still nothing so I call the last time and that's when I'm finally told that it needs to be re-scheduled for Thursday. I told the guy to kiss my ass and to cancel the order because if someone from their company showed up at my house I was going to be in lock up for choking the life out of him. I can't stand Time Warner and I didn't want them in the first place, but the fucking monopoly they run puts me at their mercy.

So I decide that I'm going to call Direct TV and see when they can come out and they tell me not until the 28th. I initially ordered service with them and then that's when they dropped this bomb on me AFTER I set everything up. So I was pissed when I went to bed to say the least.

And I wake up today and figured I'd do some research into Dish and Direct TV (old lady didn't want Dish because they didn't offer AMC). So I found out that Dish has resolved there issue with AMC and now offers it so I decide to give them a call and see what they can do. After calling them, I'm glad to say they'll be out tomorrow to hook up the cable and the internet. Anyone have some complaints with Dish?
I was in apartment last year for a year and fucking direct TV wanted me to pay 600$ for set up. And in This apartment complex you can only use DTV. So they know they got your ass. I asked why they ran adds for hook up free and now I pay 600$. They said because of my credit. Lmao. Lying murther fuckers. I have perfect credit. Crooked greedy bastards. Now I have Warner at my new house. Which btw I financed 345,000$, hmmm. But I have bad credit?
Lol. Maybe the realtor is in conspiracy with the cable guy when they sold you the house for 50k too much Irish and the bank gave you the loan cause they hope you default . Banks too are greedy fuckers.
why cant you have insurance on the iphone? We have it on both our Iphones, did that change to cause like i said were Grandfathered in to the old original plans they had,

You have that Apple Protection, but that only covers defective equipment, not if it gets broken from dropping it or shit like that. At least that's what I was told through Sprint
I was in apartment last year for a year and fucking direct TV wanted me to pay 600$ for set up. And in This apartment complex you can only use DTV. So they know they got your ass. I asked why they ran adds for hook up free and now I pay 600$. They said because of my credit. Lmao. Lying murther fuckers. I have perfect credit. Crooked greedy bastards. Now I have Warner at my new house. Which btw I financed 345,000$, hmmm. But I have bad credit?

That's terrible man, I've got less than perfect credit personally and they weren't even going to make me pay a deposit. That's fishy if you ask me