Calf Training

Sweet! Do we have any of their sponsors on board? On their website it says they give buy one get one free on b'day. Mine is in 2 days. Would love to try 'em out!

Thanks for the info bro! Excited to try it wid MC IGF and then at the end of syntherol cycle I'm thinking of starting an AAS cycle front loaded with alpha1max from cyber supps here.
Should be interesting to see the results.

I'm almost positive that they are a sponsor. Synthetek is the only source for it. Contact them directly.
It always trips me out how different muscles respond differently to low and high reps and how it is different for some
people. Some guys need heavy low reps for calfs to respond and some need high reps to grow. Also I have found
that some of my body parts respond better with heavy low reps and others to higher reps. But then again is it just
the switching from low to high that does it. Example. I used to do HEAVY shrugs w sets of 10. guys would work in
with me and be sore for days but I got very little results. I switched to sets of 30, still pretty heavy and big growth
spurt. Was it because MY traps need higher reps or because of the couple years of low reps and the shock of going
higher reps. I think by the time I am 90 I will have it figured out. lol
Hey bro,

Is slin pin ok for syntherol or is it too small. Also do you take multiple shots in each calve per day?

Syntherol is pretty thin, but you'd have to do a bunch of shots to get the volume. I used a 25g. It's not bad. Just one shot per day. You've got to massage the hell out of it to keep scar tissue from forming
It always trips me out how different muscles respond differently to low and high reps and how it is different for some
people. Some guys need heavy low reps for calfs to respond and some need high reps to grow. Also I have found
that some of my body parts respond better with heavy low reps and others to higher reps. But then again is it just
the switching from low to high that does it. Example. I used to do HEAVY shrugs w sets of 10. guys would work in
with me and be sore for days but I got very little results. I switched to sets of 30, still pretty heavy and big growth
spurt. Was it because MY traps need higher reps or because of the couple years of low reps and the shock of going
higher reps. I think by the time I am 90 I will have it figured out. lol

Funny you should say this, I always thought as a rule, 90% of the time you should do hi reps for calves as its the furthest muscle from your heart. Same rep scheme as forearms in fact they are pretty much same area, one is near the hands, one near the feet, dense muscle seems to respond to lighter weight hi reps
Seated calf raises and standing calf raise machine are great with heavy ass weight. Switching toe positions

you know that they have proven this is a myth and it doesn't matter what position your toes are in, the calves get worked the same
Syntherol is pretty thin, but you'd have to do a bunch of shots to get the volume. I used a 25g. It's not bad. Just one shot per day. You've got to massage the hell out of it to keep scar tissue from forming

Oh I see, I'm assuming you would rotate the site.
But it says on their website that calves are flat muscles so you wouldn't apply like you would in bicep. So do you angle the pin from the side of the muscle and not middle. I'm not sure what they meant, I'm a bit confused.
Don't want them to look weird.
Oh I see, I'm assuming you would rotate the site.
But it says on their website that calves are flat muscles so you wouldn't apply like you would in bicep. So do you angle the pin from the side of the muscle and not middle. I'm not sure what they meant, I'm a bit confused.
Don't want them to look weird.
you don't rotate, and you have to do it bilaterally so that both sides are even, you basically stick it like every day in the same muscle
you don't rotate, and you have to do it bilaterally so that both sides are even, you basically stick it like every day in the same muscle

Oh ok, so what's the best spot to take it.
Are there any videos or articles on it on web?
Thinking of trying it with skin pin to minimize scar tissue if possible.