California traffic


It sucks, for those of you that spend 2 hours in a car to go 30 miles your crazy, just got to Cali for the first time a couple days ago and traffic in San Jose and San Fran is just stupid.
lmao, never been in it, but ive seen video and i think not long ago they had a major freeway upgrade and lost half their lanes, and people were literaly sitting in their cars for hours on end during rush hour to go a few miles lol, but yeah its fucking nuts from what ive heard!
yea I just cant stand it and wont be coming back for a long while... everything out here is backwards imo.

even saw a blue cross ad that says for people not profit, i was like wtf they actually advertise like that, not happening back home
I have no desire to ever go to California for this exact reason. I have a few friends in LA and they keep trying to get me to come out, but there's no fucking way I can sit in traffic like that. I get pissed if the asshole in front of me at a red light takes too long to go once it turns green
I've been stuck in Colorado th past 8 days and canf wait to vet back to southern california. The San Fran / Jose area does suck....northern cal blows. But yes hours spent in tbe car just to get to work gets old......I guess its the pay off for tbe grest year round weather.
If you have to commute it blows for sure. Now if you work at home like I do, I just schedule everything off hours. Still though California is closest thing there is to Socialism the US has. Don't fret though its coming to your area as well. They are breeding liberalism into the young, starting in grade school/kindergarten. Starting things like girl power , boy talk. Jerry Brown just passed a law that will let any trangender teen use any bathroom they desire in high school or grade school.
If you have to commute it blows for sure. Now if you work at home like I do, I just schedule everything off hours. Still though California is closest thing there is to Socialism the US has. Don't fret though its coming to your area as well. They are breeding liberalism into the young, starting in grade school/kindergarten. Starting things like girl power , boy talk. Jerry Brown just passed a law that will let any trangender teen use any bathroom they desire in high school or grade school.

i saw something on tv about the chosing a bathroom based on what gender you "identify" with.

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and yes i noticed how socialist it was vs. my area very fast
Just talking about that, I live in san francisco. You want your 13 year old daughter going into a bathroom
with a 18 year old pervert who says "you HAVE to let me use the ladies room, it is what I IDENTIFY with.
Just aint right. I have been lucky. I commuted for years from San Francisco to San Jose. My early start
and off time made it kind of nice. I would leave around 5 am, take 101 freeway and be there in about 45
min. Comming home around 2:30 I would take different freeway (280) and would take about a hour.
Both ways cruising around 75 mph. I would bring thermous of coffee and something to eat and it was good "quiet" time to chill out before I
picked up my girls from school. I live in one of the neighborhoods (not downtown) and you just dont
go certain areas at certain times or you take the side streets. (san francisco is a small city so you can
get anywhere by side streets) I would always play tourist with my kids on the non tourist times and
enjoy the non crowds. I am ready to get the hell out but this is the only place I have ever lived so
I dont know any different.
yea i think if your used to it it's not as bad, i was talking to my boss who lived in LA for years and he said until you get away from it you dont realize how much it sucked, you just think thats what everyone has to do.
lmao, never been in it, but ive seen video and i think not long ago they had a major freeway upgrade and lost half their lanes, and people were literaly sitting in their cars for hours on end during rush hour to go a few miles lol, but yeah its fucking nuts from what ive heard!

I fly on jet blue alot

During this time Jet Blue was offering daily $9 flights from Long Beach to LAX just to avoid traffic

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lmao, never been in it, but ive seen video and i think not long ago they had a major freeway upgrade and lost half their lanes, and people were literaly sitting in their cars for hours on end during rush hour to go a few miles lol, but yeah its fucking nuts from what ive heard!

I fly on jet blue alot

During this time Jet Blue was offering daily $9 flights from Long Beach to LAX just to avoid traffic
I fly on jet blue alot

During this time Jet Blue was offering daily $9 flights from Long Beach to LAX just to avoid traffic

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I fly on jet blue alot

During this time Jet Blue was offering daily $9 flights from Long Beach to LAX just to avoid traffic

would have been a no brainer there
I love living in a small town because of this. I live 3 miles from work and its like 3 different ways to get there. I hate traffic and waiting. So I would def not work out in a big city.