Campaign signs


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It won't come as a surprise to anyone, I'm sure, that the mainstream media is full of shit. But lately I've been taken in by the media to some extent. I've gotten worried about the presidential election because of the reports that Trump's numbers in the polls are falling, and that socialist bitch is gaining.

Once again, I have realized the media is full of shit. I don't believe these reports, nor the polls.

Here's why: The past 2 weekends, I've taken a couple of motorcycle trips. We've been from North Carolina and Tennessee to Niagara Falls. In all those miles, I saw exactly ONE Hillary sign, and ONE Hillary bumper sticker. All the rest of the campaign signs I've seen have been Trump or Trump, Pence signs. I've seen a lot of "Make America Great Again" signs, stickers, and even a ball cap.

SO.... I believe that the mainstream media, as usual in cohorts with the Left, is busting its ass to sway public opinion by essentially using propaganda. I think they (the media), Hillary and the Left in general are afraid.

I also think that the media is pissed off. Pissed off because Trump is making a real run for it WITHOUT THEM. I've seen or heard Trump ridiculed for not buying a bazillion dollars of advertising space in the mainstream media. And yet, he seems to be doing pretty well.

Could it be that America has finally woken up????? I doubt it, but some of us are certainly awake and paying attemtion.....
I actually started to notice the absence of Hillary signs in my area, which comes as a surprise because, except for my little County in NJ and perhaps a few other isolated areas, NJ almost always leans left. And in spite of that, I haven't seen a single Hillary sign in my area! I was very curious to find out what other places had for yard signs and the like during my travels, and was VERY happy not to see any Hillary signs!

How about where you live? What do you see???
My neighborhood has loads of blue lawn signs we support the police , so yeah I think people are fed up with liberalism

and todays poll was import main important poll as it was among all likely registered voters. So yeah he's up by 2 nationally as of today bro
Good to hear. I think the Left and for that matter, the establishment Republicans, are in for a shock. 'Cause I think he's going to win, too.

What royally pisses me off about the establishment Republicans is their collective response to Trump's success. Which was, at least initially, "How can we derail this guy and bring Americans back to their senses?" Instead of what it SHOULD have been, which is, "Holy shit, look how wrong we've been! We better get in touch with the people we supposedly represent and do a better job of actually representing them!"

I just filled out a poll the Party sent me. I was very tempted to toss it, because it was multiple choice, and most of the choices either only vaguely aligned with my (and most people I know) views, or the thing sort of cornered you into choosing the "party line" choice by the way the question was phrased.

These assholes really need to stop talking and start listening.
Good to hear. I think the Left and for that matter, the establishment Republicans, are in for a shock. 'Cause I think he's going to win, too.

What royally pisses me off about the establishment Republicans is their collective response to Trump's success. Which was, at least initially, "How can we derail this guy and bring Americans back to their senses?" Instead of what it SHOULD have been, which is, "Holy shit, look how wrong we've been! We better get in touch with the people we supposedly represent and do a better job of actually representing them!"

I just filled out a poll the Party sent me. I was very tempted to toss it, because it was multiple choice, and most of the choices either only vaguely aligned with my (and most people I know) views, or the thing sort of cornered you into choosing the "party line" choice by the way the question was phrased.

These assholes really need to stop talking and start listening.

Im with ya brutha, you nailed it perfect in my opinion with the Establishment Republicans! They burn me up when they say theyre not supporting trump and will not vote for him!

Theyre out of touch man! They rather bite their nose off to spite their face! They are no better than democrats! The Republican Party has changed! Im a republican, and consider myself a conservative , but have my own views on certain issues that dont toe the party line.

The Establishment Republicans who will not support their own parties Nominee are just worried about losing their Hoity Toity Titles as the great Conservative Establishment aka Elites , theyre worried their little boys club is in jeopardy if Trump wins, cause he will blow it up and start fresh! However if democrats win , this Republican Establishment can stay in tact and sit back and tell the rest of us "I told you so" or "you should have listened to us" while being able to keep their little elite group in power at the top!

So yeah brutha, you fucking nailed it! And its a slap in the face to each and every primary voting republican who came out in Record breaking numbers for Trump!

I have boycotted many of the shows I once watched every night for the last GOD knows how many years because of this shit!

Yes I want my candidate to to tell the terrorists and the rest of the world, we will kill your family after you blow yourself up in a plane or mass murder our citizens! Yes we will torture your ass, and not because we think we can get any greater intelligence out of you through torture, but because the next mother fucker wont be so inclined to fuck with us knowing you get caught we torture ya, you kill yourself, we'll kill your wife and kids!

Yes I want my candidate to tell illegals to get the fuck out, and get back in line, I dont care that its not even feasible to round them all up and deport them, but I like to hear it, and I like even more when they hear it, so they know they arent fucking welcome here anymore!

Lastly, im sick and tired of hearing theyre doing the jobs americans dont want. BULLSHIT! Their is no job in this great country that an american citizen wont do provided its paying at least the countries minimum wage, and not 10 cents on the dollar, thats like striking it rich for a fucking farm worker who is use to making Nothing!

I am a Republican! Through and Through, Consider myself Conservative to! And I LOVE TRUMPS RHETORIC
Im with ya brutha, you nailed it perfect in my opinion with the Establishment Republicans! They burn me up when they say theyre not supporting trump and will not vote for him!

Theyre out of touch man! They rather bite their nose off to spite their face! They are no better than democrats! The Republican Party has changed! Im a republican, and consider myself a conservative , but have my own views on certain issues that dont toe the party line.

The Establishment Republicans who will not support their own parties Nominee are just worried about losing their Hoity Toity Titles as the great Conservative Establishment aka Elites , theyre worried their little boys club is in jeopardy if Trump wins, cause he will blow it up and start fresh! However if democrats win , this Republican Establishment can stay in tact and sit back and tell the rest of us "I told you so" or "you should have listened to us" while being able to keep their little elite group in power at the top!

So yeah brutha, you fucking nailed it! And its a slap in the face to each and every primary voting republican who came out in Record breaking numbers for Trump!

I have boycotted many of the shows I once watched every night for the last GOD knows how many years because of this shit!

Yes I want my candidate to to tell the terrorists and the rest of the world, we will kill your family after you blow yourself up in a plane or mass murder our citizens! Yes we will torture your ass, and not because we think we can get any greater intelligence out of you through torture, but because the next mother fucker wont be so inclined to fuck with us knowing you get caught we torture ya, you kill yourself, we'll kill your wife and kids!

Yes I want my candidate to tell illegals to get the fuck out, and get back in line, I dont care that its not even feasible to round them all up and deport them, but I like to hear it, and I like even more when they hear it, so they know they arent fucking welcome here anymore!

Lastly, im sick and tired of hearing theyre doing the jobs americans dont want. BULLSHIT! Their is no job in this great country that an american citizen wont do provided its paying at least the countries minimum wage, and not 10 cents on the dollar, thats like striking it rich for a fucking farm worker who is use to making Nothing!

I am a Republican! Through and Through, Consider myself Conservative to! And I LOVE TRUMPS RHETORIC


As far as the practicality of deporting illegals goes, it can't cost any more than providing them emergency room care. Or creating a process to give them driver's licenses. And on and on. I say, Deport them! One at a time if necessary.

Support the militias who are protecting our borders in AZ, for instance, instead of criminalizing them.

With regard to jobs Americans won't do, I had a construction business in the early 90's. I was a framing contractor building houses in developments. The pay per square foot to build houses was so cheap that it was impossible to make a real living at it specifically because my primary competition werected crews of Hispanics, largely Guatemalans at the time, who would work so cheap they could underside everyone. More and more of these crews came together and took more and more of the developments. They often did lousy work, but the builders (developers) didn't care as long as the house got built, and frankly, most home buyers didn't know the difference. This eventually lowered the price everyone had to work for and drove the "little guy" like me out of business. So it isn't that they're doing jobs Americans won't do; they're doing jobs Americans won't do FOR THE PAY THE ILLEGALS ARE WILLING WORK FOR. That's a big difference. And once that takes hold, now the consumer expects to pay the artificially low price and it becomes the "standard". So this hurts the economy in many ways, not just because these illegals aren't paying taxes and thus aren't putting back into the system.
I just hope this mess of an election can help us get a 3rd party going...............A two party system sucks!!

I actually agree with you regarding the 2 party system. However, Trump has the potential to completely shake up the ingrained, established 2 party system simply by being an outsider and a non-politician poised to win the presidency on the Republican ticket. If he ran as a 3rd party candidate he'd have no chance. Look at Ross Protection, who was a popular 3rd party candidate. He was a minor blip I. The grand scheme of things. I think Trump, being an outsider and the only non professional politician in the race - and if he wins, in the entire government - can really shake things up and make some real changes.

Our government was never intended to have a professional political class. That such a class has developed is a MAJOR part of why this country is so fucked up, why we're so deep in debt. Think about it. Obama, for example, has NEVER HAD A REAL JOB! Neither has Hillary. In other words, these people have NEVER had to live in the real world! The same is true for countless establishment Republicans. I believe this is why we have a bunch of out of touch morons running this country into the ground.

So, what I'm saying is, I don't see this as a "mess of an election", as you do. I see it as a tremendous opportunity. Not because I think Trump is a savior, or particularly wonderful, or anything like that. It's more about what Trump ISN'T. Though, I have to say, he is the only candidate who says the things that I, and people I know and agree with, think. All the politicians are afraid to say those things, afraid to be politically incorrect... And afraid to do what needs done.
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I think most people are scared of what they actually believe deep down!!!

Most are too afraid of the ramifications of what Trump is verbalizing....................hence the reason for the 'he is crazy' syndrome. Everyone knows how a sane person can believe some thing, to verbalize them either makes him crazy or a very real person................problem is I don't read him as a 'real' person...........There is the problem in a nutshell!!
Lol my dad has like 18 bumper stickers with trump and 8 yard placardeds out on i-95 3 weeks ago I was in his truck people kept giving me thumbs up I had no idea why untill I pulled off to eat the bumper stickerz
Im with ya brutha, you nailed it perfect in my opinion with the Establishment Republicans! They burn me up when they say theyre not supporting trump and will not vote for him!

Theyre out of touch man! They rather bite their nose off to spite their face! They are no better than democrats! The Republican Party has changed! Im a republican, and consider myself a conservative , but have my own views on certain issues that dont toe the party line.

The Establishment Republicans who will not support their own parties Nominee are just worried about losing their Hoity Toity Titles as the great Conservative Establishment aka Elites , theyre worried their little boys club is in jeopardy if Trump wins, cause he will blow it up and start fresh! However if democrats win , this Republican Establishment can stay in tact and sit back and tell the rest of us "I told you so" or "you should have listened to us" while being able to keep their little elite group in power at the top!

So yeah brutha, you fucking nailed it! And its a slap in the face to each and every primary voting republican who came out in Record breaking numbers for Trump!

I have boycotted many of the shows I once watched every night for the last GOD knows how many years because of this shit!

Yes I want my candidate to to tell the terrorists and the rest of the world, we will kill your family after you blow yourself up in a plane or mass murder our citizens! Yes we will torture your ass, and not because we think we can get any greater intelligence out of you through torture, but because the next mother fucker wont be so inclined to fuck with us knowing you get caught we torture ya, you kill yourself, we'll kill your wife and kids!

Yes I want my candidate to tell illegals to get the fuck out, and get back in line, I dont care that its not even feasible to round them all up and deport them, but I like to hear it, and I like even more when they hear it, so they know they arent fucking welcome here anymore!

Lastly, im sick and tired of hearing theyre doing the jobs americans dont want. BULLSHIT! Their is no job in this great country that an american citizen wont do provided its paying at least the countries minimum wage, and not 10 cents on the dollar, thats like striking it rich for a fucking farm worker who is use to making Nothing!

I am a Republican! Through and Through, Consider myself Conservative to! And I LOVE TRUMPS RHETORIC

Killer! Exactly how I feel put into words. TOTALLY AGREE

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I can tell you that this part of Florida hates Killary for the most part. Only a few are pulling for her. But if you drive down A1A, all you see is Trump. I think Floridians overall, hate her. I, myself, hope that alien baby in her belly kills her on live TV. Ugly, stupid bitch.
As much as I like Trump, I cant endorse candidate at my gym, a big no no.....if Hillary gets in we are fucked more than a Vegas whore on half off night. Hillary in the WH, or the Trumps and their hot looking family members? I'm shuddering thinking of seeing Chelsea from time to time, I swear she has the smile of a horse LOL

I have been dissapointed with the GOP Party at times, I'm still a Republican but if asked, I might describe myself as a Conservative Independent.