Can a brother catch a break?!?


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Dammit man, while I can't say that I loved my job, I didn't want to lose it just yet. But they came in first thing this morning and said, here's a severance check, go ahead and clean out your desk. What really sucks is my wife just got let go about 3 months ago and has no real luck getting a good paying job. She's working a part time gimmick right now, while waiting on another "real job" to come through. So wish me luck, bros and broettes. I'm gonna need it.
I know how it is, bro. Just lost my job the 20th of last month. Unemployment doesn't pay a whole lot and I'm debating on moving to Idaho to live with some family until things turn around. Best of luck to ya!
man join the club work has sucked in my profession for the last 2 years

the middle class is getting shit on left and right

the rich still have their mansions and tax breaks

the section eight still live for free, eat for free and get away with well whatever they want because they don't have money to pump into the system so why arrest them?
Fuck man!! I didn't know it was THAT close. Let me know when you turn your shit in and I'll see if I can get it moved along as fast as possible. Its bullshit man, banks get bailed out, CC companies get bailed out, auto companies get bailed out and they still all turn around and fire people. Those shitbags on section 8 and foodstamps and disability should have random drug tests. That would save this country billions, instead they get free healthcare when they smoke too much crack. This country is going down the gutter at a record pace.
Fuck man!! I didn't know it was THAT close. Let me know when you turn your shit in and I'll see if I can get it moved along as fast as possible. Its bullshit man, banks get bailed out, CC companies get bailed out, auto companies get bailed out and they still all turn around and fire people. Those shitbags on section 8 and foodstamps and disability should have random drug tests. That would save this country billions, instead they get free healthcare when they smoke too much crack. This country is going down the gutter at a record pace.QUOTE]yessir it is!!
sorry to hear leatherhead. My job is in the shitter right now too. Hey, on a positive note, i bet your glad you didn't get that duramax bro!
sorry to hear leatherhead. My job is in the shitter right now too. Hey, on a positive note, i bet your glad you didn't get that duramax bro!

No doubt! Although I do have a 2011 that's on hold for me. The woman had a job offer, and with what I was making I was able to get it. Now I might lose the deal of the century if I don't score something quickly. The woman is supposed to find out on tuesday if she's got the new job.

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Fuck man!! I didn't know it was THAT close. Let me know when you turn your shit in and I'll see if I can get it moved along as fast as possible. Its bullshit man, banks get bailed out, CC companies get bailed out, auto companies get bailed out and they still all turn around and fire people. Those shitbags on section 8 and foodstamps and disability should have random drug tests. That would save this country billions, instead they get free healthcare when they smoke too much crack. This country is going down the gutter at a record pace.

Shit bro, I didn't either! I figured I still had about a month. But the owner came in this morning and said here's a severance check, you can pack up your belongings now and start looking for a new job. Ghost said there's a different crew in there now, so I'm not sure who it is, but I'll let you know. I'm gonna use you, ghost, and devil as references. And you're right...this country is going down faster than michelle on inauguration night!

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wow, very very sorry to hear man, i wish there were something I could do to help, best of wishes to you and your family, I too know how you feel since I went through the same thing just a month ago...
shit man I'm bankin on 2012 the end of the world

that way I don't have any debt and I'm standing at the gates

smoke em if ya got em
wow, very very sorry to hear man, i wish there were something I could do to help, best of wishes to you and your family, I too know how you feel since I went through the same thing just a month ago...
I've gone through worse, and I know I'll be ok, sooner or later. I just hope it's sooner. lol
Shit bro, I didn't either! I figured I still had about a month. But the owner came in this morning and said here's a severance check, you can pack up your belongings now and start looking for a new job. Ghost said there's a different crew in there now, so I'm not sure who it is, but I'll let you know. I'm gonna use you, ghost, and devil as references. And you're right...this country is going down faster than michelle on inauguration night!

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Yeah, but the reasons for the changes are a good thing for someone in your shoes. You can use Billy as well. Either way I'm sure who ever is in there now I know well.
Yeah, but the reasons for the changes are a good thing for someone in your shoes. You can use Billy as well. Either way I'm sure who ever is in there now I know well.
I'm going to try to have all of my shit together by Monday so I can get that ball rolling.
Its not much better here in Canada. I got tired of always worrying about getting laid off. I started working for myself over 3 years ago and havnt looked back. Im not saying everythings rosy, however, if I find myself without work now, its my own fault. That hasnt happened yet.

Theres no such thing as job security anywhere anymore. My 2 cents.
I know we talked but if you need a job last resort I know I can get you in at one of the Dealerships...
I know we talked but if you need a job last resort I know I can get you in at one of the Dealerships...
Good looking out, sir. I will definitely keep you in the loop and let you know what's up. Bluebear said he talked to Lee and Lee talked to Alan, and if I want, they could probably use me there, too. But the money just isn't what I need it to be, really. Hopefully this deal that I've got working in St Pete comes through this time. If so, I'd be set. But if not, I've worked at dealers before, I can do it again. :thumbsup: