Can anyone help??

100mg GP Anadrol ED. 500mg Deca each week as well. Add those to at least a gram of test. Oh yeah give test suspension a try; i think it will give you what you are looking for. Lastly, it is not out yet, but when it is, run 7.5mg ED of GP THG. That last one is sure to make you EXPLODE!:bench: :bber:
100mg GP Anadrol ED. 500mg Deca each week as well. Add those to at least a gram of test. Oh yeah give test suspension a try; i think it will give you what you are looking for. Lastly, it is not out yet, but when it is, run 7.5mg ED of GP THG. That last one is sure to make you EXPLODE!:bench: :bber:
well i just started ES drol at 50mg, and im up like 5 lbs in a week. I can kick it up to 100 when gains slow down. Im on EQ (250mg eod), and I cant use deca and tren due to gyno...WHICH SUCKS!!! I have a bottle of HG suspension that I only used 1 cc out of, but its water based. Is the TNE as good as the water based? Also what is THG? Im very interested....

thanks for the replies everyone...... they are definately helping me out:)
Would that 50mg of Clomid/week be taken at once or split up into smaller doses?

My doc has me taking it once a week. I wonder if it would work better split up twice a week. I'll have to ask him.
My doc has me taking it once a week. I wonder if it would work better split up twice a week. I'll have to ask him.

Half the drug is still active in your system for up to 7 days so in theory, once a week should be plenty.
well looks like you guys have the same problem I do, EAT FUCKIN EAT! Easier said than done...

I remember WSM JON PAUL SIG. use to consume between 6 and 10K a day of calories... he said anything less than 6K and he would shrink

it depends on the person and body type...I like the example that I've made "you can't force feed a chihuahua the same amount of food as a rottweiler and expect it to grow as big" it's just not in it's potential.

HOWEVER, everyone can make an improvement on their physique.

Once heard that you have to train your body to eat big just like you train your body to lift big...

try to eat clean but if you have to eat dirty to get in the extra calories then do it... sounds wierd BUT if it becomes such a choir and you burn yourself out then your FUCKED! just the thought of it makes you cringe-trust me I know...

eat as clean as you can but don't think 2x about the cheeseburger or Big Mac if that's what it takes- "it's better to eat from the bottom of the cage than to not eat at all" Mark Kerr:chicken:
This used to be my problem when I was younger and playing sports. What I did was Eat every 2.5 hours and add 2 naps during the day. Not every one has this option but 2 thirty minute naps seems to do the trick for me when I am trying to grow. I also added liquid meals, b/c I have never had much of a apatite. Also drink your water to aid digestion. This was also a major factor for me, once I started drinking 2 gals of water I noticed I started to fill out quick. What I would do is weigh myself before my workout, at this time I should be about 6 or 10 pound more then my AM weight. Then after my workout I would drink 16oz of water for every pound I had lost during the workout. this was in addition to my 1.5 gals of water per day.

Hope this helps big dawg!
I wish I had this problem... I love food and I have a sweet tooth from hell. Everytime I see the Dude, and it's not in the gym, he's eating. It's crazy. lol
I wish I had this problem... I love food and I have a sweet tooth from hell. Everytime I see the Dude, and it's not in the gym, he's eating. It's crazy. lol
yeah it sucks, lol. If i was 260lbs, i would want to be lean, but since im lean, i want to be 260lbs..... We always want what we cant have....
Have you thought about going to the army/navy store and buying MRE's? Meals Ready to Eat are calorie dense and very easy to prepare. I've heard it works well from folks on other boards. Worth taking a look at.
Have you thought about going to the army/navy store and buying MRE's? Meals Ready to Eat are calorie dense and very easy to prepare. I've heard it works well from folks on other boards. Worth taking a look at.
actually no, but i will look into it. Thanks buddy!
I wish I had this problem... I love food and I have a sweet tooth from hell. Everytime I see the Dude, and it's not in the gym, he's eating. It's crazy. lol

Eating all the time does become a pain in the ass, but being hungry constantly is worse. Last night I had 10 oz of chicken and a pack of ramen noodles then 2 hours later I woke up again starving and had a shake with a bagel and a Klondike bar. This was after eating 1lb of steak and 2lbs of chicken throughout the day with my regular meals! Oh I ate a pizza too...
Eating all the time does become a pain in the ass, but being hungry constantly is worse. Last night I had 10 oz of chicken and a pack of ramen noodles then 2 hours later I woke up again starving and had a shake with a bagel and a Klondike bar. This was after eating 1lb of steak and 2lbs of chicken throughout the day with my regular meals! Oh I ate a pizza too...
Maybe I can get away with that in a bulking stage, but not trying to stay lean in the 10% range. I guess we'll find out in a couple of months, though.

i would defo add insulin, its an amazing tool for gaining weight.

i dont beleive in eating junk for growing, my last bulk diet was 7300 calories, clean... nearly 1100 of carbs per day.

i would also use ghrp-6 for its appetite stimulation

i would use the slin in the morning, and postworkout.

i would use 250mcg rp6 10mins prior to all meals.

sorry for all the " I's " lol ...
Are you still on the Drol?
yeah, i have a tiny bit left in the bottle. I have been using it on and off. I have some pharm grade drol tabs coming soon, with some HG organon amps, that im excited about. And im going to get some gh in a couple weeks here too

i would defo add insulin, its an amazing tool for gaining weight.

i dont beleive in eating junk for growing, my last bulk diet was 7300 calories, clean... nearly 1100 of carbs per day.

i would also use ghrp-6 for its appetite stimulation

i would use the slin in the morning, and postworkout.

i would use 250mcg rp6 10mins prior to all meals.

sorry for all the " I's " lol ...
thanks for the info bro. I have igf, drol, sust,eq,slin, and soon hgh. I dont have the cash anymore for ghrp, but maybe in the future. I would like to figure a good protocol for the gh,igf,and slin though for sure...