Can Being Overweight Significatly Affect a Mans Fertility !!


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
While doctors have been aware of the negative impact of obesity on a woman's fertility, more recently they are discovering that the male partner's weight can also cause problems in conceiving. In fact, men who have a higher body mass index than their slimmer counterparts have a substantially higher risk of having fertility problems. Male obesity has also been shown to lower sperm count, as well as the concentration of sperm, to cause significant hormonal imbalances, to increase the temperature surrounding the scrotum, and to decrease a man's overall sex drive. Obese men can also produce sperm which has fragmented DNA-in other words, the sperm quality is greatly deteriorated and can both lessen fertility and increase the risk of miscarriage as well. A study done at Penn State showed that men who are significantly overweight commonly suffer from hormonal imbalances which lead directly to infertility. Obesity can also cause men to suffer from erectile dysfunction and libido which is lacking.
well it all makes perfect sense to me! I dont think we needed a study to figure this out but maybe over weight people might take a study more seriously and actualy do something about themselves and their quality of life
well it all makes perfect sense to me! I dont think we needed a study to figure this out but maybe over weight people might take a study more seriously and actualy do something about themselves and their quality of life

Do you really think so? I highly doubt anything will change their minds
Who is having sex with obese men in the first place? And, do you really want them reproducing?
this is retarded so many fat ass huge mf's have kids, that are also fat as shit, I see it every day
dont hate on Michelle for trying to get these fat retards to get into shape
dont hate on Michelle for trying to get these fat retards to get into shape

Yeah, and you don't hate on her when you have to pay a fat tax for a Big Mac. I think the day is coming soon when we are all going to be miserable, just because these fat parents can't understand that they are killing their kids.
well something needs to change and her efforts def do not bother me or effect me in a negative way. I dont see how u could be mad unless your either fat, or an extremist republican. Like when rush is talking shit about her trying to get ppl fit while he is a fat piece of shit that knows nothing of exercise or diet, obviously. I cant take ppl like him
well something needs to change and her efforts def do not bother me or effect me in a negative way. I dont see how u could be mad unless your either fat, or an extremist republican. Like when rush is talking shit about her trying to get ppl fit while he is a fat piece of shit that knows nothing of exercise or diet, obviously. I cant take ppl like him

I think she is going to cost restaraunts money, which will end up costing us money. She wants every restaraunt to display calories on their menu. I have enough trouble making sense of Taco Bell's drive thru menu without them trying to squeeze in calorie numbers for every menu item.

And, I'm telling you, I can see them trying to add a "fat tax" to sodas, junk food, fast food, etc.. in the near future. I don't want to pay more for a Coke, just because other people can't control themselves.
I dont know what to say, do you own a house? Id be more pissed with the 10s of thousands missed out from that due to the bush admin, but thats just me
I don't mind Michelle trying to help these fat fucks get into shape, but I don't think my tax dollars should go into helping them lose weight. I mean fuck, how many different ways are we supposed to support these people? We support them because they're too fat to work and go on disability or welfare and now we're going to pay for them to get in shape? Come on, it's getting ridiculous. They wouldn't be in need of assistance if they'd figured out they were getting out of hand in the first place. And I'm not talking about the people who have medical issues that can't really help but be overweight.