Can Being Overweight Significatly Affect a Mans Fertility !!

*******OK hold on here you guys need to see the bigger picture.
U dont want to pay for them? You realize if the obesity rate continues on its path, or even stayed put where it is now, it will cost you much more money than a food tax right???????? Do you have insurance? do you know what happens to everyones premium the more people use there insurance? THEY ALL GO UP!!!!!!! With obese ppl they use the shit out of medical insurance. There knees hurt there back hurts and they dont know why, they have chest pain, they are short of breathe, they need c-paps to breathe at night, they need O2 24 hours a day, they need echo cardio grams, xrays, ct's, stress tests, cardiovascular invasive procedures whether they be diagnostic or interventional, they need to go to the ER, they need to be admitted in the hospital. Please everyone dont let someone put curtains around your thought, and try to see the bigger picture. This whole fucking country is filled to the brim with either racist or extreme republicans, which in either case Obama can not do anything right ever. Helping get the obesity rate down is a MUST. Not to mention all the healthcare workers that injure themselves (including me) trying to help move these fucks.
***This should be a fucking sticky***
I think the poorer folk on this site are going to come rob you richy rich lol
Richy Rich has nothing on me...But in all hoensty, I love my healthcare, the bonus is that it's free