Can machine rows replace barbell rows?

Man stay away from back problems! Listen to us guys who know, don't do anything that you are iffy about. I just finally got the "ok" from my physical therapist to start doing legs. Man 135 on the Smith machine about killed me. Let the back heal. Stick with exercises that support your back.
92StangMan said:
What exactly are hyperextensions? I'm sure I've seen them before but never knew the name.

I dunno what the damn machine is called (Roman Chair I think?), but you lay facing it and it supports the back of your ankles and the fronts of your legs up to your waist at about a 45 degree angle. From there you just raise your upper body like you're doing good morning's ...............holding a 45 lb plate to your chest will help build muscle more safely until you're able to snatch a few hundred pounds from off the floor