can you be to old for steroids?


MuscleChemistry member
So someone in their 60's or 70's? would you think they could gain muscle size at that age?
you gotta worry about high blood pressure and cholesterol more at that age....but if you're still active and healthy I think it would have great effects.
look at know he's on test and GH all the time.
I agree with drew. The sides might be worse, but the benefits would probably be greater as well because of what majortguns said, they have so little test at that age, a big increase would work wonders. It would be like the fountain of youth.
I know this doctor that is like 65 that I'm fairly certain is taking gh/test or both and he is in better overall shape than me. lol. Guy is active and lives a healthy lifestyle.
Yeah, I echo Drew as well. Stallone's about 60...didn't he get busted overseas for having vials of GH or something like that? Dude looks GREAT...
Ive seen a documentary type show and this guy being interviewed was 72, and he said he is STILL using gear and had been for most his life! He looked in good shape for someone his age, and he was still regularly working out
I remember seeing a small documentary hosted by Bryant Gumbell about steroid use and one of the interveiws involved someone in there 70s or 80s. They were beyond the peak of health for their age and still highly active on -assuming- what looked to be an HRT dose. Romano was interveiwed as well.
I've seen it on Youtube and I'd post it up if I were that computer savvy. Someone shoot me some instructions for that.
Anyhow, Ox's statement of it being a fountain of youth is very true and its no wonder why juicing is criminalized. Consider the impact it would have on Social Security. :sick: