Can you believe this?


New member
So Its been awhile since I have posted but had a few issues that made me decide if I wanted to stay. Some good bros and good information here. I recently found out there will be no drug testing at my work, for steroids and a few minor others. I work at the Olympic training facility and we had a strict policy where we would get AAS tested every 6 months or at randowm between them for its use and if found and confirmed then terminated on the spot.
Well no more, but when i actually wanted to do a cycle again, theres nothing legit and even decent out there anymore. Even in my town plenty of military, athletes and huge bodybuilders I mean 300lb bodybuilders at that there is nothing here its dry to the bone..
Sounds crazy right but when I did find what i was looking for it was QV and its almost fuck that!
Am i just old school or is it really like that now, or is it just that eveeryone is so damn paranoid and scared of LE over some damn AAS?
Disclaimer to this post: This is just my own opinion and ideas so just making this clear, I will take any responses as opinion and everything is a "what if" and make believe.
LE has been cracking down, so yes, I'd say there's a lot of paranoia going around.
Yes LE is being pushed by jackass Govt and higher ups to crack down on the new "hot topic drug" instead of all crack and meth that is overly prevalent and causes the real issues.
Yes LE is being pushed by jackass Govt and higher ups to crack down on the new "hot topic drug" instead of all crack and meth that is overly prevalent and causes the real issues.

It'd be nice to see them crack down on drugs that are none to kill people such as meth and oxycontin. I've known quite a few cases locally where people have overdosed, but none that have overdosed from AAS
Bro, straight up, its a bad time to be fishing. Anything you catch you probably don't want.
Got the same issue around my neck of the woods. Syno/Fina conversions and PH's are what I'm sticking to at this time until sh!t blows over.:curse:
Thats why you better stock up on powders in bulks like kilograms if you get the chance because it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better
Thats why you better stock up on powders in bulks like kilograms if you get the chance because it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better
Apparently huh? It figures if it works its all illegal, maybe I will do what the big companys do make some herbal supplement make some ridiculous statement of how it works backed up by BS data and sell a crap load of it. then stop and go to a foreign country and buy what I want. This seems fucked up but its going on everyday and our government allows it to happen. its what we call scammers but in a different sense. Thanks for the feedback fellas.
Apparently huh? It figures if it works its all illegal, maybe I will do what the big companys do make some herbal supplement make some ridiculous statement of how it works backed up by BS data and sell a crap load of it. then stop and go to a foreign country and buy what I want. This seems fucked up but its going on everyday and our government allows it to happen. its what we call scammers but in a different sense. Thanks for the feedback fellas.

Apparently huh? It figures if it works its all illegal, maybe I will do what the big companys do make some herbal supplement make some ridiculous statement of how it works backed up by BS data and sell a crap load of it. then stop and go to a foreign country and buy what I want. This seems fucked up but its going on everyday and our government allows it to happen. its what we call scammers but in a different sense. Thanks for the feedback fellas.

Shit in a bag with a guarantee that it's shit......That's how our government works
yeah that's no shit, the government is the biggest bunch of crooks out there

ok for them though because some fat fuck somewhere signed a piece of paper that says it's OK
Listen to me rant huh? I found what Im looking for, but damn the shit thats going on now days, guesss we will save thaat for a different lets get back to my gym hottie im seeing.
Listen to me rant huh? I found what Im looking for, but damn the shit thats going on now days, guesss we will save thaat for a different lets get back to my gym hottie im seeing.

Yea, let's get back to this gym hottie lol