Can you bulk and have low carbs? I bloat bad!


New member
I want to bulk but not bloat – chemically I know how to handle it, but looking for some advise on diet.
I read a post awhile back about keeping the Carbs down. But then that’s a lot of Protein and Fat to make up when you eating for bulk.
If I shoot for 6000 cal a day – how much protein and fat is too much.

What do you think of:

30% protein – 1800 cal – 450 grams
40% carbs – 2400 cal – 600 grams
30% fat -1800 cal – 200 grams

I would make sure the fats came from Olive, Flax and fish oils. I plan on eating yams and oatmeal for carbs and would keep simple sugars to a minimum.

Is this low enough in carbs to make a difference?
Do you think that a ratio of 30/40/30 is a low carb diet???? You will certainly grow well if you follow that diet.
Diet is really individual. I like to bulk 50-20-30 when not using IGF Long R. When using, it doesn't matter how many carbs I take in.

I've recently been experimenting with a low dose of lasix to keep the bloat down. Drol has been causing some major back pain for me. So far so good. I had Lasix onhand but there are other duratics (safer) you could use. I did some reseach and didn't find much on this practice but the few people who did try it were very satisifed with their results. I'm still experimenting and I'll feel better about giving an opinion after 3 more weeks of usage.
MacGyver - I wouldn't call it a Low Carb, just a lower carb then what I have done in the past while Bulking.

I know carbs are important to grow on so I don't want to hurt my gains.
I have done the Body Opus Diet 2x and felt that after about 4 weeks I started to burn muscle.
I am going to bulk for 10 weeks and want to most mass but with out the water. I bloat just looking at Test.

I'll map out the calories at 50,20,30 and see what it looks like.

Thanks Guys
If using insulin, try this?... This will work nicely for either AM or PM training sessions:

AM: slin - 2 carb meals, 150g each, min fat, 75g prot each
2 midday meals: no carb: protein & fat: 75 g protein, 100 g fat each
PM: slin and 2 carb meals, 150g carb each, min fat, 75g pro each

Drink LOTS of water: 2+ gal / day.

Some herbal diuretics, caffeine (and ECA stack works nice, too) should help as well. Of course, all the other "chemical" things you know of, too...

I do not think that anything above 25% or so of carbohydrate intake will slow muscle growth if the protein is there. I think under 25% you might have trouble gaining size.

I bloat so easily too. This is the first time I am able to control the bloat because my carbs are so low because I am trying to lean up. I never realized how much diet affected bloating. Why not try liquidex or femera?