Can you get lasting gains from oral


New member
as? Dinal? I know they sell 2,000 thai dina, what else would you need to get good gains if you stayed with oral? This would be my first cycle, Thanks
you can get good gains from orals ..but the downfall is that you cant stay on the cycle long due to possible liver issues.

injectables are almost always better though
I'd say only if it's winny or anavar as the orals and both don't produce that drastic of results IMO anyways,, I don't think you can really BULK up and keep anything from orals alone..... so maybe yes maybe no,,,Bump for anyone else who knows....
ive never done an oral cycle... but...this is from bigcat

I'm a member at several online steroid boards and you always hear the vets say: "Don't use only orals, your gains won't last". Here's a newsflash: the roids you take orally are no different from the ones you inject. Naturally I need to add here that you will get better gains with injectables. The half-life is longer, they can be used longer because they aren't so toxic, they can be used in higher doses and the effects stay for a while after a cycle (which could account for the belief that gains on orals disappear). But I'd like to know where the belief that an oral only stack can't offer good gains originated? A lot of bodybuilders in the 60's and 70's were basically living off dianabol. The key to keeping gains on any stack is facilitating the return of natural test after a stack and keeping calories high in your diet no matter what.

The problem of an oral only stack is that its limited in time. 6-8 weeks at best. Meaning multiple stacks are needed where less stacks would be needed with injectables. An oral only stack is hard to set up because you have no real base compounds either. This is one I sweated out after much thinking for all you wimps that can't take a needle. Because anavar and winny block the aromatisation off d-bol, there isn't much post-cycle estrogen so the use of clomid/Nolva afterwards is limited but still advised. It should be started immediately after the cycle is over. With lon-acting injectables one can usually wait 1.5 to 2 weeks after last shot to start post-cycle therapy and then still there is a certain level of androgens in the body. With the orals, most of the androgen will be cleared in 1-2 days tops. So Clomid/Nolva therapy needs to start immediately. Here it is illustrated with 40 and 20 mg of Nolva, but could easily be run with 150 and 100 mg of clomid respectively. This was a good stack to demonstrate the use of HCG (which is injectable. Oh the irony). At least one of the uses. HCG keeps the size of your nuts up even after HPTA is shut down by your roids. That facilitates post-cycle recovery. Since HCG itself can cause negative feedback it needs to be discontinued the week before you come off or it will do the opposite of what it is intended to do. NEVER run HCG longer than Nolva or clomid. One should take a long break off any type of 17-alpha-alkylated steroids after this cycle as the liver will have taken a severe beating. That's the downside of being scared of needles.
just another tid bit; i don't believe anavar to be liver toxic. I took 100mg ED and 112.5mg winny ED for 8 weeks and liver values were fine.
I too ran a d-bol only cycle, not as a dumb newbie mistake, but I wanted to see for myself if the gains would last. I know most of the gains people think ,"just disappear", is the initial loss of water wieght. So what I did was, run 35mg d-bol for 6 weeks, along with .25mg a-dex every day to keep the water retention down. At the end, I had gained 8 pounds and kept it all!
bigjosh said:
just another tid bit; i don't believe anavar to be liver toxic. I took 100mg ED and 112.5mg winny ED for 8 weeks and liver values were fine.

Yeah, but your lipid profile took a dump.
I do not know 1st hand of anyone who has ever had a good oral cycle AND kept any gains

most don't i got one friend who blew up off of d-bol and winny... kept it all... kinda pisses me off:angry:
damn I thought you guys were talking about something else. because i gain alot from oral. But if wer are talking gear then you got to use test as base no matter what.
rad closes door and asks chelle to sit down.. "Well MS. Chelle I see someone doesn't have any panties on." Bad girl
I believe you can have good solid "keepable" gains off of an oral only cycle. Nothing as dramatic as if an injectible was used but still a good cycle none the less.
Well while I believe you can get meaningful gains with certain combinations of orals taken the right way, keeping those gains depends allot on how much of those gains are water retention and how hard you work to maintain those gains.