can't eat enough


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
dammit, I just can't keep eating and choking down the protein drinks makes me want to gag.
But I gotta, need more weight, need more size, need to eat a horse or a cow or any large farm animal, or even like a zebra or water buffalo, they would be good too, but antelopes are too small, would need 2 or 3 of them.
"my rant for the day"
I know whatcha mean -I have heard of some prescription "apetizer pills"-anybody know about this? Drug name or trade name? supposedly eating spicy foods increase the apetite...the way my food bill is now I could buy a freakin Hummer!!
Synthelamin will make you want to eat the house. 1ml per day for a whole week, then just 1 or 2ml per week after that. Nothing comes close to it for appetite. IM or SQ.

The pill that the other guy is talking about, is Periactin. The problem is it makes you feel nauseous/groggy for 2 weeks. Then you are supposed to get used to it. I could never last more than 2 days. Screw feeling like shit for 2 weeks.
well , if u use periactin closer to bed , then its easier , like 8 mg before bed and the other 8 mg during the rest of the day till u get used to the anti histamine ... its a very good addition i think .

and also bump for big A's suggestion .
Big A said:
Synthelamin will make you want to eat the house. 1ml per day for a whole week, then just 1 or 2ml per week after that. Nothing comes close to it for appetite. IM or SQ.

The pill that the other guy is talking about, is Periactin. The problem is it makes you feel nauseous/groggy for 2 weeks. Then you are supposed to get used to it. I could never last more than 2 days. Screw feeling like shit for 2 weeks.

I think I need to get on this stuff to.... bloat has set in and i don't even feel like eating; i just do because I know I have to
Big A said:
Synthelamin will make you want to eat the house. 1ml per day for a whole week, then just 1 or 2ml per week after that. Nothing comes close to it for appetite. IM or SQ.

The pill that the other guy is talking about, is Periactin. The problem is it makes you feel nauseous/groggy for 2 weeks. Then you are supposed to get used to it. I could never last more than 2 days. Screw feeling like shit for 2 weeks.

Synthelamin is a stack of time release B-12 vits, might have to give this a try!
lasagna, steak, tortellinis, etc, was a good holiday, if my weight is not up a couple pounds tonight then I QUIT!!! LOL
i had to take a break--drinking about 350 grms of protein drinks,gliutimine,creatine mixing mixing and mixing flaxoil etc etc,vitamins,ala,,did this all very consistently for the last yr now I,ve stopped all except a strong post workout shake--needed the break
raybravo said:
well , if u use periactin closer to bed , then its easier , like 8 mg before bed and the other 8 mg during the rest of the day till u get used to the anti histamine ... its a very good addition i think .

and also bump for big A's suggestion .

Histamine is a vasodilator, which of course is great for training ( I have used yohimbe for years for this reason with great results)-of course an anti-H would be considered a vaso constricter, possibly bad for blood flow IMO. Curious of your results RB if you have used the Periactin-Do you get good pumps while training, or is there no difference?