Cant even get real juice anymore! wtf?


Ok so get this, its my rant and rave.
So havean int source whome i trust very much forthelast 3 years.
My buddy orders from him and gets his shit its all good, gains sterility everything..good.
I get my shit and it shows up on a post of fake serial numbers on the vials.
so contact my source, come to find out he bought 5k of them, and they are all fake.
Sucks, now i might not be ableto use my source anymore since he is out all that cash to get more, im out cash and took a big risk and sitting with 30 vials of steile
(maybe use them like syntherol)
Anyways, i hear even some powders are fucking bunk!
Itsa shitty day when i cant even get real drugs wtf?
anyways its my rant, after three years they fuck my source in this 3rd world country(lets just say that) who has been very good atshipping, clears ustoms, discreet, and very well priced.N|Ow its all gone due to some very good looking fakes!!!!

just venting fellas, any comments.
weall thought they were real, the fakes showed up3days later on a boarddue to labels being stolen from a lab they aremad at, they posted the serial numbers and figures mine are part of them of that batch of labels stolen.
If you got xx vials of the stuff then you can send it to one of the testing labs to see if it contains anything, but in your case it sounds as if they were trying to screw people. It just sounds fishy that somehow your source would suddenly buy a bunch of the same old products from a different source.
sell that shit to teenagers in your gym so your not doing anything to hurt them but you are taking their money lmao.
you guys are terrible, I know you're kidding but some people would actually do that shit and fuck even more people over. It's a fucked up story bro, hope things turn around for you.
naww i wouldn't, but i know some people that would haha. I would sell the bunk shit to kids that ask me about gear and if i can get some lol. Prob not i only get stuff for personal use only. Sucks you got ripped though bro. Its startin to dry up out there but we shall prevail and once again im sure everything will be back within the year or a little after.
It all starts with powders... if they are not good it is all shit from there.. If you get a greedy person in teh mix even when the powder is good it gets shitty as well.. I just hate the whole idea of ppl not even helping eavh other out while making a few bucks..

I wish everyone was happy making a few bucks on the side and we all grew like weeds.

Sorry to hear about your bunk oil bro.. been there and it does suck and your source is held over a barrell since he got taken.. it is a risk we all hope never happens and when it does all you can do is shake your head and move on.. if he is a good guy he probley didn't know and feels like shit.. cut him some slack... if you stand by him he may take care of you down teh road...
just to clarify its all the same, same source same buyer ect.
Apparently the place my sourcebuys from bought from the same rep.
listen to this.
the guy works for the place as a salesrep(or did) and they madea few grand off of bunk stuff with company vials.
They didnt have to report itto the compjust pocket money.
nobody can find them nowand the company is the one who first issued the thieft report of the batch labels.
Its all the same the sources rep just went bad, fuckingassholes apparently they werent making enough money.
|I will not even waste the xtramoney to have them tested.
I did contact anaboluics author to snd him a few empty vialsandone full fo his book. in case some still circulate they can be known to b fakes.
I guess its start over time and move on.
My source has to stop for a while until he recovers his losses.
Its just fucked up that thats what happens, its my first experience in 6 years and im sure it wont be my last now.
Anyways, as for selling it, NO.
I have more integrity than that and dont wantto be responsible if it hurtssomeone, especially a teenager or worse.

BiggerStronger said:
If you got xx vials of the stuff then you can send it to one of the testing labs to see if it contains anything, but in your case it sounds as if they were trying to screw people. It just sounds fishy that somehow your source would suddenly buy a bunch of the same old products from a different source.
u guys still think nutrivet is legit? my dude gets his shit...most of it is vet-grade nutrivet comes sealed and plastic rapped and everything....but i agree its pissing me off too ppl being greedy little bastards.
lol yeah when you do get real stuff u find out its bathtub At least its real..nutrivet i hate.
Denkall is gone IP is hard to get just sucks..
iron05 said:
why u hate offense honestly j/w

I dont like nutrivet since i got an infection from some of thier stuff.
I have envr had any infection from any gear and i know how to do
things well enough not to getan infection. Just my own personal
experience...sure someone elses results may differ.
anyways, im over my little pissed off attitude about not getting decent stuff anymore.
Im sure theres plenty of places to get decent real stuff..thanks for listening to myrants.