Cardio article

  • Thread starter Thread starter Harvey Balboner
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Been doing Hi Intensity Cardio(sprints at the track) run 220, walk 220- for a total of 20mins 3x per week for the last 1 1/2 years in that time I have gone from 185 lbs @12/13% bf to 210 lbs @ 8% bf...All I can say is that Hi intensity has worked for me

When you walk is it fast walking or just casual walking?
Not casual but not speed walking either-As you get further into your sprints say the 7th or 8th one you are usually just using the time to somewhat catch your breath..
BG- how many sprints do you do. I did my first HIT cardio this morning and I liked it. I did 5 minutes warmup walking. then did 1 minute intervals of 7.5 mph and 2.5 mph. I only did 6 intervals though and then ended with a 5 minute cool down. I'll increase it tomorrow.
Oh yeah...interval training. That stuff kicks your ass. In a good way that is. Before Cancun last year we did some interval training and I lost quite a bit of fat in only about 3 weeks. Doing 2x400m 3 x 200m 4 x 100m. All of these are done at a fast sprint. It only works out to be about 1.5miles and your done in about 20-25 mins.
sooooo excited!! Did two HIT cardio's this week already. felt really good. shins are sore afterwards though. maybe the fina or maybe just need to get them in shape as I never use a treadmill for cardio. I'll be doing the HIT cardio Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Friday. You'll see my before and after pics when I'm done with cycle.
I figured I'd update you guys as promised with this HI cardio. I've been doing it for exactly 5 weeks know. I can't believe the results. I've been doing the high intensity cardio 4-5 days week in the mornings. Never more than 30 minutes. Lifting at night. Not doing the cardio on an empty stomach anymore either. I take a protein shake upon wakening and it's about an hour before I actually get to the gym and begin the workout. I weighed myself this morning. My results so far for 5 weeks are: went from 220# to 199#. Feel a lot leaner, harder, and my strength has not been hurt one bit. Don't know BF%'s because I refuse to get it measured unless I can find a place that does hydrostatic weighing. everything else is way too inaccurape to post results off of.
Great job gymrat-21lbs and no loss of strength is impressive...


before and after pics will be coming in around 4 weeks. Waiting to finish cycle. I might be cutting it short because every muscle is aching from ed injections for the past 12 weeks. I already gave up on the fina last week because I had three straight days of the fina cough. I think everyone here knows about my love for the fina cough.:angry:
interesting gymrat, maybe this guy is on to something.

about how many calories are in your shake before cardio?