Cardio - How much & how often?

mark mcgwire

New member
How much cardio is everyone doing and how many times each week?

I like doing cardio, it's getting started that's the hard part. I could do 30 minutes everyday, but it's probably too much without giving up some muscle mass. I limit myself to 30 minutes 3-4 days each week.
i started almost 2 months ago--the reason mainly was because of high blood pressure--i do 20 to 25 mins about 2 to 3 times a week-no real change in my size,i dont push it--real easy--i use the gazelle(by tony little)--instead of watching the tv seating down i just get up on this gazelle--heres the thing ;
MY BLOOD PRESSURE HAS DECREASED DRAMATICALLY!!!--and i feel so much better--lol
I'm dieting right now so I'm up to an hour a day, six days a week; I mix it up with some tennis and hiking so I don't mind it, and niether does the pooch!
IMO it depends on what your goals are. If you are a marathon runner the more you run the more oxygen in the muscle and less muscle mass. A lean HOrse for a long race. This is Slow-twitch(type1) fiber a muscle fiber characterized by its slow speed of contraction and a high capacity for aerobic glycolysis. It carries more blood to the muscle. If you want to maintain more body mass less cardio...This is called Fast-twitch(Type 11)Larger muscle fiber characterized its fast speed of contraction and a high capacity for anaerobic glycolysis.... so then with that in mind 3 days for 30 min. for muscle mass... Everyday for 1 hour for endurance and fat burning....
Cardio - What's that? lol

I haven't done cardio in soooo long. I'm going to start with some low intensity stuff this next week. Bikes probably...then work my way up to some treadmill action. I need to get my cardiovascular system back in burning a little fat is in my plans. lol.
In my opinion cardio only robs you of the muscle you are trying to build. For the most part, it is very catabolic. A good diet is best for trying to strip body fat and retain muscle. Then again everyone is different.
I have to hit the treadmill before my workout for 20 minutes 3 X /week..................or I'll never hit it at all!!!

I can't stand's just not like hitting a BIG LIFT!!! NO INTENSITY!:cool: