Cardio Question


New member
So, since its near summertime, im sure most of you are doing the dreaded cardio too. Do any of you do ur cardio before the workout? I do 10 minutes to warmup and then lift. My question is, right after I finish lifting, should I down a shake then before I do my last 45 minutes of cardio or just wait until I finish before drinking it. I want to burn max fat but dont want to damage the body by not resupplying it with protien and some carbs following the workout. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks bros.
I think it's safe to wait because you're still exercising so the optimal replacement of glycogen that you want to replace is extended because your body is still exercising. I think it's fine to wait until you're done with your cardio otherwise you might have a problem keeping it down while doing your cardio
i do my cardio in the morning on an empty stomach
then post workout
i wait till i get home and eat right away
what i do is the this for summer cardio/dieting: First thing in AM empty stomach with ECA 45 mins moderate cardio walking full incline on tredmill at 3.8mph go home eat oatmeal. Start my day go to work etc. Eat a few good protein rich meals through the day at work or protein shakes/bars if dont bring enough food. After work lift weights for no more than 45 mins. hit cardio again same way 45 mins of moderate cardio on tredmill. Take protein shake and eat meal when complete. This is my last meal of the day. 2-3 hours later im knocked out and do it all over again.

To answer your question though: wait til after the cardio to take your shake.

I workout in the early am. I go to the gym with after eating a big, high protein breakfast. So I know I have plenty of protein in my system to help build muscles. I have read that this is actually almost as important as the post workout shake.

I then lift at the gym while I am fresh, then do cardio, and after that and swig down a shake. I usually do between 20 and 40 min. of cardio depending on the day.

While it may be true that exercising an an empty stomach will increase the amount of stored fat that is burned AT THAT TIME, a calorie is a calorie. Or to put it another way, I haven't read that it makes any difference in the amount of weight lost in a month, it just effects the weigth loss and weight gain cycle of that day.
i only do 10 minutes of cardio for a warm up, then lift, then another 40-50 minutes of cardio. for those of u that do cardio before u lift, how much?