

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I never liked doing cardio until I dieted for my first show. The thing is that I fckn hate tread mills and all the cardio machines not to mention it is so damn boring doing cardio on these machines. I do all my cardio outside up and down hills enjoying the scenery. To me, doing your cardio outside on a hot ass summer day when the air is dense from all the humidity and it's like 100 degrees is so much harder and beneficial in my op. What do all of you prefer? I'm sure there is gna be alot of you that prefer treads and what not, but actualy doing it outside is completely diff.....
I think I would die here in the summer doing cardio but it would be nice to get some fresh air and see the scenary. I love my incline trainer and it is all I use, nice to have it at home especially for 5am cardio. I can do it in my underwear and not care what I look like :).
I perfer treadmill and stepmill..the stepmill is a bitch...its basically like walking up step set of stairs over and over and over sucks...

but I like to read on the treadmill, and surf the net on the ipod...