caught his ass

Should be a great lesson and huge wake up call to any idiots thinking about attacking the USA, in this day on age of cell phone camera, social media and security will be's only a matter of when, not if you get caught..

God Bless the United States of tolarance
wonder what the real story is compared to what the media tells us???

either way glad they caught him and hopefully the injuries aren't too sever that he'll survive and let the world know what his motive was

then again I kinda think it's a waste of tax dollars and he'll just try to sell his story
we need to be water boarding his ass, but people bitch and moan that its cruel etc.... bet their outlook would change if it was their family member murdered.
we need to be water boarding his ass, but people bitch and moan that its cruel etc.... bet their outlook would change if it was their family member murdered.
They will be doing things to him that are not legal, you can bet your balls on that
Caught him and it only took putting a million plus people under martial law and the complete shut down of an entire Major US City.

I find it amazing that the American people find it acceptable to be placed under martial law and forced to live in fear over one 19 year old kid.

BTW I find it so amusing that it was not the police that found him, but a civilian.
we need to be water boarding his ass, but people bitch and moan that its cruel etc.... bet their outlook would change if it was their family member murdered.

I disagree. He is an American Citizen who has been accused of a terrible terrible crime. Nothing more. Its no different that a wife who shoots her husband, or the Aurora Theater Shooter. They both are being given their day in court. This kid still has rights and should be provided every Constitutional Right afforded me and you if we happen to be accused of a crime. This is America, We have the Rule of Law and a Constitution. He still has rights and should be given his day in court. So far no evidence has been presented to a Jury that shows any guilt. I'm not saying he didnt do it, but he still should get his day in court.
Based on what I saw, its hard to believe that those two were the same two responsible for building remote detonated IED's like those used by terrorists in Afghanistan and other Middle Eastern areas. These two clowns were able to source the materials and place them completely unnoticed. I don't see it.
They are pawns that fulfilled their purpose and now have been abandon.
Based on what I saw, its hard to believe that those two were the same two responsible for building remote detonated IED's like those used by terrorists in Afghanistan and other Middle Eastern areas. These two clowns were able to source the materials and place them completely unnoticed. I don't see it.
They are pawns that fulfilled their purpose and now have been abandon.

this is kinda what I was thinking, from the looks and sounds of things these to kids could barely wipe their own ass...
from what the media is saying, putting 2 and 2 together, these kids might have planted the shit but they weren't the ones who made it or had the plan...

- - - Updated - - -

also, bet all the liberals that were sitting in their house scared were thinking-man, I wish I had a gun
ill tell you exactly what happened. All the cops missed the guy, then when they were leaving a homeowner checked his boat and found him.
Hard to believe anything thats said when the government is involved in these times and the media we have reporting it.