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Well im kind of in the shit!

I live in scotland and work in the oil industry, I was being helicopterd out to sea when i got caught with some winny tabs not many just about 20 or so! I forgot they were even there!

Now im not sure where i stand as in scotland roids are NOT illegal its onlt illegal to sell or deal them! Offshorwe though they have a strict no drugs policy!

Anyway i said i did not know what they were as i take so many supps, so they have taken them to a lab to get them tested.

I have not taken anything for a long time now so my body is clean! So if they want to test me im going to pass!

I could be looking at my company trying to sack me and if so i may not be allowed to work in my countrys buisness again!

Not sure where i stand right now??? I just booked a fuckin family holiday aswell!!!
If they are not illegal where you live (country)shuldnt you be fine?..........or are you saying they caught you out of the legal zone?

Maybe they are testing them for something that is illegal.......Hell I dont know but I wish you the best.
wow... start analyzing your situation... and find out your legal rights... ... does anyone in your family know you were/are on?
Well they found them as when ever we set off we get a full baggage and body search, Problem is this time they really left nothing unturned and went through every little thing!

Ive been on the phone to some contact today and i think ive got a plan sorted! At the moment they are still trying to find out what they are!

But yeah the fact that they are legal should mean ill be ok?????? Hopfully ill get a bit more sleep tonight than i did last night!!!
def. good luck bro sucks but if they arent illegal then they are prob just testing them to see if its any kind of illegal drug there. I think the worst they will prob do is confiscate them because your not supposed to have them offshore. def. have your shit together though and be prepared.
Tell them they are some sort of vitamin or other supplement. If they find out what they are play dumb and say you bought them from a local supplement shop and haven't taken any of them yet. You being clean will help your case immensely.
BiggerStronger said:
Tell them they are some sort of vitamin or other supplement. If they find out what they are play dumb and say you bought them from a local supplement shop and haven't taken any of them yet. You being clean will help your case immensely.

yep i say do that as well, many supplement companys have been in trouble for having real steroids in their over the counter supplements, so i would stick to that story bro
Presser said:
yep i say do that as well, many supplement companys have been in trouble for having real steroids in their over the counter supplements, so i would stick to that story bro

i agree...i just read an article on that.
body2see said:
Id assume they are making sure you are not carrying E or something else...When you say you got caught, who caught you?

i was just saying that to my wife, they prolly just want to make sure no one is on any opiod type shit that kills ur motor skills
Hay! Just to give ya all an update!

It was nearly a week ago that i got my winny taken off me and i've still heard nothing back so from the lab so im pretty happy.

I think it was tests for E and stuff that they were carrying out on them!

Thanks for all your wishes folks!
Any further update? Will you get it back? They should give it back to you if they didn't find what they were looking for.
Hay all! Well i got the gear taken off me over 3 weeks ago now and ive heard nothing back so im pretty pleased about that!

As far as getting it back i was going to ask but i decided to let it all be forgotten about and ill learn a lesson to be more fuckin carefull!!

I deff feel like i got a lucky escape but like i say its not illegal to have this stuff in my country so maybe i was worrying about nothing all along!!

Take it easy al
brutalI said:
Hay all! Well i got the gear taken off me over 3 weeks ago now and ive heard nothing back so im pretty pleased about that!

As far as getting it back i was going to ask but i decided to let it all be forgotten about and ill learn a lesson to be more fuckin carefull!!

I deff feel like i got a lucky escape but like i say its not illegal to have this stuff in my country so maybe i was worrying about nothing all along!!

Take it easy al

Good for you bro,they will likely test for rec drugs,but don't ask for them back not worth it just stay safe and clear from the tabs.You can always get more when you get back home,not worth losing you job for the tabs.
Well i really thought i was off with this 1, but unfortunatly i've got a big meeting with the bosses and a lot of my guys are saying i could be getting the sack here.

Pretty pissed about it, but fuck knows, Very pissed off with my work anyways so maybe it will be for the best that i get a little push out the door????

My meeting is on the 3rd of Sept so ill keep ya all posted.