cheating the diet and the scale


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I'm just that good, completely went off the reservation last night and cheated big time on my diet, even went out for ice cream afterwards with the wife. Woke up this morning and I'm a pound lighter! WooHoo. Something must be working. lol
This may sound ignorant, but does anyone else think Genetics play a larger role than diet? I'm not saying Diet isn't important, but there was a thing on tv a few weeks ago about this guy who eats 2 Big Mac's everyday for lunch and he only weighs 160lbs. I'll be honest here, my diet isn't that great. I eat as much pasta and bread as I can get. Last night I had about 8 manicotti for dinner along with chicken parm. But I'm still in pretty damn good shape...maybe because I train my ass off.

I guess for people who compete diet is crucial, but I still think a person's genetics play an equal factor.
genetics play a significant role in not only the way your body looks, but like you said.. how it responds...

just like genetics can plague you with sickness, disease, bad teethe, or any other traits you can think of.... i'm sure genetics can also help play a very important role on the upside as well.

Some factors that you must take into concideration though is this.... genetics will give you a nice base and plenty to work with.... but i'd say that you can also become a product of your environment too.. meaning not ALL people can eat 2 bigmac's a day and stay thin... that's a special case.. but some people are going to metabolize food differently and in theory... can eat what they want.... when genetics are combined with good diet and training.. you get a professional competitor.. not everyone can compete... but alot of people.. with work, diet, and consistancy in a healthy lifestyle.. can look good...

one thing that we i think we all can agree on is this.. no matter how good your genetics are, and no matter much you train... after a while AGE will change all of that.. b/c the body MUST slow down after a while... so you need to compensate with re-adjusting your diet/training/rest to fit your age as well...

mr. 2 bigmac's a day will eventually get fat, b/c his body will eventually slow down, and his metabolism will eventually slow as well... he will eventually get fat... and his standard of fat.. might be way different than yours or mine..

... just .02 from a guy who's using common sense and not quoting medical sources.. LOL
Stickler* said:
mr. 2 bigmac's a day will eventually get fat, b/c his body will eventually slow down, and his metabolism will eventually slow as well... he will eventually get fat... and his standard of fat.. might be way different than yours or mine..

I dunno...the dude was like 50 lol
i gain 2 pounds just by driving by mcdonalds LOL i can gain weight on low cals etc but when it comes to cutting time i just plain suck LOL i only hold fat though arouind the midsection, hoping hgh will change that though LOL
I'm the opposite. It has taken me years to gain the weight I want and I'm still not there. My entire live I could eat whatever I wanted and not gain weight. No matter what it was, big mac's (although I'm a big fan of the double quarter plain add tomatoes and lettuce...sigh, not anymore), ice cream, candy, whatever. I never got above 170 or so. I have started taking in around 4500 calories/day and my weight has gone up. I'm in the low 190's right now depending on the scale and time of genetics definitely play a role and I'm sure age does as well. However, it's been an uphill battle for me. Sometimes I just don't feel like eating, but I know I have to. I'm hoping to be around 220-230 next year @ this no cutting until then...gotta go eat.

Thinking about your original post you guys think that the cheat day can actually help you lose some weight as your body gets used to digesting the same type of foods throughout the week and on your cheat day it has to digest foods that it isn't used to digesting. Would this speed up your metabolism a little or would it all turn to fat??? Just a thought.
ive heard thats the reason to have cheat days bro is for that extra kick in your metabolism. Havent read any studies but anybody thats givin me diet advice that i would trust always said have at least 2 or 3 cheat meals a week.
PJT said:
This may sound ignorant, but does anyone else think Genetics play a larger role than diet? I'm not saying Diet isn't important, but there was a thing on tv a few weeks ago about this guy who eats 2 Big Mac's everyday for lunch and he only weighs 160lbs. I'll be honest here, my diet isn't that great. I eat as much pasta and bread as I can get. Last night I had about 8 manicotti for dinner along with chicken parm. But I'm still in pretty damn good shape...maybe because I train my ass off.

I guess for people who compete diet is crucial, but I still think a person's genetics play an equal factor.

Not ignorant at all. Genetics do play a big role. I'm only a couple of years older than mikeswift so you'd think at our age we'd both have trouble burning fat. Well, not so. I have trouble, but I don't believe mikeswift does (or has less trouble). That's not to say I can't end up looking the same, only I will have to work harder at it including the diet. Same goes for the average person.
yeah I'm 37 in a few months and it's definitely gotten harder to burn the fat but I do think some of it is genetic. I just happen to have been on a high protein, low carb diet and doing a ton of work on my house and didn't think the extra work was really burning that many extra calories but apparently it is so I'm happy to see it. The scale is levelling off so hopefully I'll be applying IGF to my routine and upping the workouts and cardio in time for the beach.