Chest Suggestions


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Over the next few months I really want to focus on growing my chest more. Its not that its lagging, I just want to add size to it. Anyone have any suggestions. Should I start trying to hit it twice a week? Should I try and do a day of chest only and just do tons of sets? Reps, range and etc. Also, I have been doing DC for a long time but plan on changing. I appreciate any suggestions.
I recently started doing dips like this and I really like them. Don't bend your elbows and flex your chest to lift back up. Hang a few plates from your waist once you get the feel for it. It's one of the only chest exercises that I really feel the contraction.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
You know, I was just thinking about throwing dips in this week. I used to do them but have not in years. I think i will try getting them back in my workout.
I wish I could cut some leg and put it on my chest. I've been seeing really steady changes with a whole new chest split. I don't touch bench anymore for one. I exhaust my chest on hammer incline machine to failure for 3 sets of 12. At 12, with a spotter, I pucker up and pump out another 10 partial reps to really engorge the chest. Insane pumps but at least now I feel my chest is catching up to my front delts.
Over the next few months I really want to focus on growing my chest more. Its not that its lagging, I just want to add size to it. Anyone have any suggestions. Should I start trying to hit it twice a week? Should I try and do a day of chest only and just do tons of sets? Reps, range and etc. Also, I have been doing DC for a long time but plan on changing. I appreciate any suggestions.

I'm not sure what your doing now for chest but i think anytime you hit a wall its good to do totaly new exercises for that body part. With that being said I like to do dips with someone behind me holding my feet out so im on a nice angle.

What are you doing for chest now brutha?
Doing anything different will help, rest pause, half reps really heavy, pin presses, floor presses, weighted dips, reverse grip presses
I'm not sure what your doing now for chest but i think anytime you hit a wall its good to do totaly new exercises for that body part. With that being said I like to do dips with someone behind me holding my feet out so im on a nice angle.

What are you doing for chest now brutha?

I have been doing DC for months now if not the last year or more. For some reason i respond well to DC. I might change up and start a different routine. Right now doing DC my two chest exercises are Flat Smith Press and Incline Dumbell Press on the separate days. I thought about throwing in a second exercise even on the DC routine.