Chronic tendonitus

The Dude

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I've had some hours with tendonitus, but as long as I'm on MC IGF it heals pretty quick. Otherwise I'll need to take a week or more off. Silk has had some serious issues with it which is why we decided to get her started on GH. So she's been starting back at her pole classes and the gym, but at a much reduced schedule after months of off time. She's doing a little Deca, MC IGF, 2 iu GH, and all the vitamins, and DMSO twice a week and Ibuprofen to help with inflammation, but it still keeps coming back. Any ideas? How often do you guys have to deal with this stuff?
I hate to say it but time off helped the most. I've had it in my forearms and and inside of the elbow like in the Tommy John area pitchers get and a couple weeks off and Viola, it was better. All the things she's taking may help but time for the tendon to heal properly is the best prescription.

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I should add that deep tissue massage was also a key in healing I feel.
I hate to say it but time off helped the most. I've had it in my forearms and and inside of the elbow like in the Tommy John area pitchers get and a couple weeks off and Viola, it was better. All the things she's taking may help but time for the tendon to heal properly is the best prescription.

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I should add that deep tissue massage was also a key in healing I feel.

Was same for me.. I also dont do certain exercises because it flairs it up.
Try using acetaminophen instead of ibuprofen...killing the inflammation only helps relieve the pain temporarily, but instead you want to kill the edema and allow the inflammation to run its course, which is necessary to let the actual healing process begin.

Try using a lacrosse ball to perform what's known as tack and floss, similar to myofascial massage, this will help get the sliding surfaces restored and take the stress off the tendons...check out to find some great instructional videos and techniques...

Ice ice ice....5-10 minutes at a time, just ice til the area numbs, anything more than 10 minutes and the lymphatic system starts to become permeable and doesn't flush the lymph as quickly. This is a technique I've implemented with my clients and it's made big improvements.

I've dealt a lot with tendinitis and tendonosis....those are just my recommendations. Hope it gets better!
Tendinosis is basically just tendinitis that has become chronic, and may have caused micro tears in the tendon. Restoring the tissue and the sliding surfaces still has to happen to repair the tendon. Taking a conservative therapy approach has been proven to not be as effective as a progressive approach...break up that tissue and watch the miracle happen! Haha
I think pineapple and watermelon too in your diet, natural nsaids
NSAIDs won't help much with the healing process, you need inflammation to run its course for the healing process to begin. And if it's tendonosis inflammation isn't the cause anymore.
Mine has not improved at all...its been over a month and I have only trained with weights maybe 4-5 times. Any movement of my elbow results in pain including just running. It sucks. If you figure out something that helps let us know.
I get it bad when doing upright rows the most and sometimes when I do a lot of back work, pulling movements without straps. It hits the next morning.