Got some nice vascularity coming out too! I think I'll give your combo some serious consideration for my future plans. Thanks for logging this Bro!
Not sure if this has to do with my diet or taking the combo, but I've had gas, like ridiculously! Farting like every couple minutes, lol.
Percentagewise, protein is about the same but I upped my calories by 600+/day so there are about 60 more grams of protein per day than before.

27 days
Weight has evened off after gaining a quick 15lbs. I definitely am still gaining but I think it has just slowed down a bit. Will post new pics tomorrow.
Nice werk Bro!~ You've made some great improvements in short order there, very impressive. Been awhile since I've used any peptides, may have to start up again?

Keep up the good work!~
Weight has evened off after gaining a quick 15lbs. I definitely am still gaining but I think it has just slowed down a bit. Will post new pics tomorrow.

That's awesome bro! I've heard that the results from the GHRH and GHRP's come on faster and harder than GH. I know they came very fast for me, but so did the sides. I've yet to do real GH though so I can't compare. I'm interested to see how the transition goes!
Haven't had any sides except for possibly being a little more tired than usual but nothing major. I guess if you consider being hungry all day a side, then I've def experienced that also.
WOW brotha! I'm blown away by your results! Very impressive gains from two peptides! I might give this a shot this winter. I'll be thrilled to get results anywhere near what you got. Thanks for logging this bro!
Thanks man! I shrunk up b/c of a bout of mono before this but this got me right back on track. It's crucial to time your meals properly which can be kind of tough. Makes for alot of excuses as to why you're dying of hunger but aren't eating for 30 minutes, lol. Anyway, hope the log was helpful.
If I give this a shot it will definitely be during the winter when things come to a crawl at work, otherwise I'd never be able to keep up with the proper timing needed to be successful. Thanks again, and your log was most helpful!
Where were you pinning?

Hey man. Nice work! I am wondering how/where you were pinning? I am soon to run a cycle of the same mix and have heard of both IM and Sub Q. Since they have a short half life I would assume IM is the best way to go. After seeing your results I'm interested to hear where you pinned them