Clear test prop


I'm I'm looking to brew my own NPP and test PP. ok now I was looking to use 100% EO but not sure how I would react. now I used a test prop a few years ago and it was perfectly clear, that mean it was made with prop? it was a geneza pharm prop.
Prop is the ester bro I'm assuming u meant made with eo. And no. I make clear test prop with fractionated coconut oil. Well almost clear. Very close but some hormones taken on different colors when made in coconut oil which is clear. But the stuff is smooth.

Imo no reason to use 100% eo for tp. If you have a hard time with tp maybe 25% eo but I would only do that if prop cause pain for you. I love prop and zero pain but be more concerned about the temp you hear it to and don't heat to long at 100mg/ml you should have no need for eo but I have two friends who use the same prop as me and it crippled them. Some ppl are sensitive to short esters. I have no idea what they use in theirs but ftactionated coconut oil will make it look clear and it really smooth for a carrier oil.

For my guys who have a vag lol and get pain using prop I will add 25%. That seems to work well and prevent any reaction to guys sensitive e to do. I use to use a lab that add all items in 100%eo and they weren't clear. It's a waste of eo I think.
I used 100% EO on test prop and it worked great. I actually am taking the last bottle now. I probably won't due it again, just wanted to try it. EO didn't effect me in anyway but have heard of a lot that has been effected by it. I also remember someone posting bad (I think) of bad side effects of long term use of EO (not for all users though).

I know there are some on the forum that have used somewhere around 30% (give or take) to help out with PIP. EO can get expensive but it sure does make it look pretty! Nothing like CRYSTAL CLEAR GEAR.
Prop is the ester bro I'm assuming u meant made with eo. And no. I make clear test prop with fractionated coconut oil. Well almost clear. Very close but some hormones taken on different colors when made in coconut oil which is clear. But the stuff is smooth.

Imo no reason to use 100% eo for tp. If you have a hard time with tp maybe 25% eo but I would only do that if prop cause pain for you. I love prop and zero pain but be more concerned about the temp you hear it to and don't heat to long at 100mg/ml you should have no need for eo but I have two friends who use the same prop as me and it crippled them. Some ppl are sensitive to short esters. I have no idea what they use in theirs but ftactionated coconut oil will make it look clear and it really smooth for a carrier oil.

For my guys who have a vag lol and get pain using prop I will add 25%. That seems to work well and prevent any reaction to guys sensitive e to do. I use to use a lab that add all items in 100%eo and they weren't clear. It's a waste of eo I think.

I've heard of others using coconut oil, does it help you with PIP? I might have to try it. I just like the clear look of the gear.
I hate EO causes too much swelling

when I was younger it didn't bother me, not so much any more
No EO for me. I don't push my home brew products high enough to warrant the use of EO, PEG, etc. Besides, if EO eats the rubber plunger in a syringe, I don't want it in my body,
No EO for me. I don't push my home brew products high enough to warrant the use of EO, PEG, etc. Besides, if EO eats the rubber plunger in a syringe, I don't want it in my body,

yeah if your transporting it you have to have a placard and shipping papers
No EO for me. I don't push my home brew products high enough to warrant the use of EO, PEG, etc. Besides, if EO eats the rubber plunger in a syringe, I don't want it in my body,

HOLLY SHIT!!!! Didn't know that. SCARY ...................:dizzy:

- - - Updated - - -

yeah if your transporting it you have to have a placard and shipping papers

Damn........ for real!!! I have my HAZMAT cert. (never used or needed, but got it anyway) and didn't know that.
Yeah I posted an article on the solvents and oils in this forum. Give it a read. You can look up the Hazmat info and remember people are injecting this lol
EO is absolutely toxic. But I have used it at 100% as well with no issues. I never made it that way I was buying from a ugl at the time. Yea it was thin but it will eat the rubber off a syringe in no time so when I say I had no issues I mean that I noticed no blood work to see what it was doing to my kidneys and other organs.

D12- I love using coconut oil. I really thought it was garbage for a while anf to be clear this is fractionated so it's already in liquid form at room temp. Letting it get cold it will solidify until it warms up but I've had it go thru cold weather no problem. I personally think it's think and smooth as hell. I love using it. By far my favorite oil but it's a lot more expensive. It will cost like 3 times what you would pay for safflower or graoessed and wallymart seems to have it cheaper than most others but it's heat rated for 350F I heard of guys receiving items crashed all the time with labs using it and that's why I stayed away from it but I haven't had those problems at all and I live in a state that gets cold but its good for all your basics. My personal favorite. And I was originally concerned about it not withstanding the heat I needed but I do everything in Celsius, just learned that way, but 350F means you can make any normal item with out getting close to that hot and it holds great everything about it is perfect. I'm gonna make some tp and npp in the next couple days. I'll use that and see if I can post a pic.