Clen and Urinalysis


New member
I have a Urinalysis 8/4/09

I was thinking about taking a cycle of clen before than. Not to offset anything, I just am curious would taking clen keep THC metabolites in your lipids longer, or shorter?

May be an obvious question but I am lost.

I have stopped smoking and havent touched the stuff for the last 4 weeks exactly.

I was just wondering if clen would have any influence on detection times?

Any answers would be greatly appreciated.

I have gained a little weight since I have not had time to go to the gym, sounds crazy I know. :dizzy:

Thanks Again,

Well, I think THC metabolites are stored in adipose tissue and Clen is a fat burner, so I would assume that it would speed up detoxification of your body and you would test positive for a shorter amount of time after you quit smoking. That is just my assumption though.
Crg is right on when it comes to clean and adipose tissue. One thing to keep in mind though is that traces will be released as your lose that fat. The big question is how much did you smoke when you were. If you only smoked now and then it could be gone in as little as a week. If you were a habitual smoker it could take up to six weeks depending on metabolism.
I meant as you lose the fat. I need hooked on phonics. My point was that the burning of the fat is actually going to release some of the thc stored in the tissue.
I was not a habitual smoker, as I smoked maybe twice a week sometimes if I felt giddy then three times a week. Does smoking out of a vaporizer make a difference, I wouldn't assume so since your smoking higher concentrations of THC.

How long is your body getting rid of adipose after a 14 day clen cycle? I have noticed that when I take clen I don't see many bowel movements as I do steadily eat 4k calories, I also read that 70% of THC is secreted through bowels. I am just being paranoid probably. Its just a panel urinalysis. Those figures of the amount I smoked was only for 3 weeks. Before that point I had only been smoking maybe at most once a week at very small doses.

One more question? How long is adipose still being disposed of after you stop a clen cycle/cardio?
Adipose tissue is always either being burned or stored depending on your diet and exercise habits. All clen does is stimulate the CNS to enhance the rate at which adipose tissue is burned by speeding up your metabolism.

There are a few things they test for in a UA and if you're that concerned there are ways to decrease the likelihood that you get a positive.

Time permitting, 2-3 days before the test you will want to begin raising you Creatinine levels. Creatine, which metabolizes into Creatinine in 24-48 hours, can be raised with red meat and/or Creatine supplement. The amounts of Creatinine metabolites are measured as part of the urine integrity check (the check to see if the sample is urine and if it is diluted). Creatinine level must be 20mg/dl or greater. 200-250mg/dl ranges are pretty normal.

Step 1. 4-12 hours before the test take 4 aspirin (not Tylenol or Advil). This step may be repeated every 4-6 hours up until 4 hours before the test.
Step 2. 3-4 hours before your test, start by drinking 2, 8oz. glasses of water. Water can be substituted for with Cranberry or fruit juice, power or gator aid, teas or even soft drinks. Then drink another 8oz. every 15 minutes for the next hour for a total of 6 glasses of water (48oz).
Step 3. In about 1 - 2 hours (depending on your system) you should be voiding ‘clear’ urine about every 15 - 20 minutes. Continue to drink 3-4 oz. more water to replace what you've voided every 20-30 minutes.
Step 4. 1-2 hours before the test, take vitamin B2 or B complex (about 10 times the daily recommended dosage). If the vitamins are time release, crush them before taking. You may also take vitamin B with each glass of water, 2 times the daily dosage, if you find it easier.

That's it. Within 30 - 45 minutes of taking your vitamins, if you took your vitamin B in 1 dose, your pee should turn from clear to "vitamin" yellow and remain so for the next 2-4 voids. Be sure you have voided diluted urine at least 3-4 times before you test. It is always best to do a practice run as everyone is different and times may vary. Good luck, remember to post your results, and don’t forget that a diluted results, while not the results wanted, IS NOT a failed results but may require a re-test. For more info on diluting/water loading, go to
Hope that helps!!!

There is no absolutely 100% effective dilution method. That includes ‘detox’, ‘xxx carbo’ or ‘super flush’ magic potions. But these guidelines will, IMHO, work as well as ANY magic potion.

Do you know what kind of test it is? I've taken drug tests for jobs and some were basically home test kits where you get the results instantly, and some get sent off to a lab, it all depends.
Thanks Crg for the credible information.

Its a military drug test I leave to basic training august 4th for the USAF.

I have already been to MEPS. Basically its just a home test, they say they send it off to a lab but I am not sure because each cup has a label on it to tell the viewer immediately if its positive or not.
A vaporizer does cause higher concentrations but Im not real sure how that effects longevity in the system. Seems like higher concentrations would equal longer detection times to me. Just my thoughts.
That is what im worried about, so it would be my best bet to take a two week clen cycle. And cut down the working out 48 hours prior and raise my dosage of creatine?
Thanks Crg for the credible information.

Its a military drug test I leave to basic training august 4th for the USAF.

I have already been to MEPS. Basically its just a home test, they say they send it off to a lab but I am not sure because each cup has a label on it to tell the viewer immediately if its positive or not.

Glad to help! :)

Are you sure the label on the bottle isn't for temperature? There is a range that urine should be in immediately after excretion and that is one of the ways they use to determine if the sample/test has been tampered with.
You should be good if you DON'T smoke anymore. Drink lots of water. Being in the military is a great oppotunity for anyone. Not to scare you but this will be on your record for life. They will test you once at boot camp and do random tests when you are in the fleet, don't take the chance, once you're in the fleet if u pop pos they will tear you up and kick u out w/ other than honorable, I've seen it happen. Being in is a very interesting experience but get out w/ an honorable there are lots of benefits.
How long did you sign for?
I signed for 6 years, I just completed the second PAST test for Combat Control. I am 19, 20 in october. I really didn't have a reason to smoke at all. I have had family problems for my whole life, my dad was UDT and he was highly abusive. He was exposed to a chemical that has been almost fatal to his health and I want to one up him. I realize that they do administer various test through basic and at MEPS on shipout. I leave august 4th. I haven't smoked for the last 33 days. I haven't touched the stuff or even thought about it. I have cut off all relations with my skumbag aquantenses. I have a quick question since we have already been discussing Clen.

What would be an adequate cycle for a 15 day time frame? Is it dangerous to escalate my dosage 20mcg's every day? then pyramid down from 120 or 100mcg?

I have done clen before safely and realize all the dangers, dehydration, lack of potassium/taurine/protein intake.

My usual clen cycle runs around 22 days, following the proper precauitions of course.

I was thinking something like so--- day1-20mcg,40,40,60,80,100,100,120,100,100,80,60,40,40,20mcg at day 15.

Would this be quite adequate. I am not overweight at all I weigh in at 187 at 6'2''.

I have a BMI of 22

My body fat 14.2

Any suggestions to gain quite a bit more endurance in the next 3 weeks?
Your clen cycle looks fine. That's pretty close to how I did mind the first time. The second cycle I started at 40mcg and then went 80/120/120.......80/40. The sides don't seem to be too bad for me so I was a little more aggressive with the dosage the second time. You should be fine with your plan. Just drink plenty of water and supplement with 3-5g of taurine everyday. Good luck.
That looks good. Just again DON'T smoke, drink lots of water and u should have nothing to worry about. Just start to do a little more cardio do to the fact you will be going on lots of runs and probably miles of humps w/ full gear. Get through boot camp and your school and it's almost like a regular job after that. Most bases have 2-3 gyms and the food, believe it or not is decent, buffet style on base of course, being in the field is a different story. Anyway, have fun and travel as much as you can. Get a lab top or something and keep us posted. I am a U.S.M.C. VFW, I don't know everything but have seen and done alot. My e-mail is [email protected] if you ever want to talk. Remember, you have lots of support including me, you are a representative of the UNITED STATES and yourself. GOOD LUCK.
Thanks a lot losingit.

Around my area people despise the military. What was your MOS? Oh and my friend was stating something about receiving a lump sum of cash after a tour in Iraq etc.? Is this true? He said it applies to anywhere out of country. Were you able to apply to the revised G.I. bill? Some good benefits.
Don't worry about other people This is "YOU" time. My MOS was advanced party(recon) for an artillery unit in desert storm and desert shield. My second MOS was a rifle and pistol range instructor. I really don't care to talk about this so any other ??'s e-mail me. Anyway, don't do it for the $$, do it for the U.S.A. and yourself. Pay goes by the cost of living in the state u are stationed. Combat pay is different, it's not one lump sum, it's a % over time and yes can acumulate. If u are doing this for $$ u need to rethink about your reasons for joining. You are in for a rude awakening my friend, especially combat. Not to scare u. Yes the benefits are good , if u have an honorable d-charge when u get out.
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