Clen +T3 +Test Prop


New member
Would it make sense to run these together to cut up?
Clen and T3 for two weeks with prop 200mg/eod
Eca for two weeks with prop 200mg/eod
I would levae out the T3. Just go for the clen/eca 2 weeks on/off. Either take test prop or winstrol with it. You would get better results shooting test prop each day. 75-100 mg ed would be enough. Do HIT cardio 3-4 times a week besides your normal workout. And adjust your diet to maintance high in protien. Give me some more detail about your stats/cycle history/goals etc for some more detailed advice.


hardcorelifter said:
I would levae out the T3. Just go for the clen/eca 2 weeks on/off. Either take test prop or winstrol with it. You would get better results shooting test prop each day. 75-100 mg ed would be enough. Do HIT cardio 3-4 times a week besides your normal workout. And adjust your diet to maintance high in protien. Give me some more detail about your stats/cycle history/goals etc for some more detailed advice.



good advice above ... shooting 200 mg of prop, whether it is 2 ml of 100 mg/ml or 1 ml of 200 mg/ml, is a painfull proposition ... 200 mg of prop into one site is just plain painful ... 100 mg ED with properly rotating sites is a MUCH better choice ... :D
I used to do it ED but when I stopped using tren with it I dropped to just the prop EOD, twice as much. I haven't had any problems with it. I do massage the site pretty well after. You wanna talk pain, how about injecting Winny! OUCH!!!!
For hardcore. 5'10" 210 Approx 15% BF. Lifting for 12 yrs, off and on, last 3 consistently. 2 AAS cycles prop and tren. Multiple different cutting cycles over the years. Used T-3 and clen on "overlapping cycles" ie. T-3 for 10 days then start clen with it and run t-3 for 4 more days, 2 weeks total, and continue with clen. Then 2 weeks off completely. Goal: I need to cut as much as possible by April 1st. Last minute trip to Florida. Today is the last day of a 12 wk bulker of tren and prop. I am only running prop right now. I was going to keep running it for 2 more weeks, 14 total, during the cutting phase.
Sorry bro, april 1st is a week away. If you want to get ripped in the average eye, 8% will do, in your case that means losing 7% bf. Which is about 15 pounds of fat. Its just not possible in 1 week. Just do as I suggested though and in****orate HIT cardio and you'll be lean all year round. The drugs don't cut you up. Diet and cardio do. The drugs are merely there to harden the physique and maintain muscle when dieting. You could run clen for this last week as you have run it earlier, 140 mcg a day as a crash mini cycle. Might loose 4 -6 pounds in that week, but not all fat. Sorry.


Yeah April 1st is just next week, I know. I'll let you know what happens. That should give me some extra motivation to stay strict. After bulking all winter it's going to take some reprogramming of my usual habits. I think I'll do the hollywood miracle all juice diet for the next week. LOL!!!!!!!!