

  • Love the stuff

    Votes: 32 76.2%
  • Hate the stuff

    Votes: 10 23.8%

  • Total voters
bump that, Taurine is a huge help while on clen as well as taking in lots of aqua and stretching to help keep the cramps at bay.
anyone got any advice as to how to get rid of the shakes? I really don't mind them, just sick of everyone asking me, "why you shakin'?"
I don't really know of anything you can take or do to make them go away but they will subside as you build up a tolerance.
my wife loves clen, personally it just makes me feel stupid and i shake way too much, i can't seem to use it effectively, and personally i'd rather use T3
clen is great for cutting but it is horrible if you have to be in a occupation that requires fine motor skills. I get so shaky that i cant write or reallly do anything that requires me to be still. Good thing i am not a doctor.....haha somebody would hate to have me operate on them!
yeah I hear ya Bignick, I do high voltage and when I work with someone the 1st time and they see me shaking around the primary they think, "shit, this is one nervous son of a bitch"
I always tell them it's nerve damage from breaking bricks and boards when I did karate as a kid...
after they see me away from the primary and still shaking they tend to believe the lie
i like ephedrine better still gives you the energy with less of a shake and nervousness.
i find the shakes get less and less noticeable these days and usually I'm not bothered by them after the first or second day on
The headaches can be nasty at times......shakes kind-of go away after awhile. I mostly get the sweats at nite when on it. It works well when I run it........
i was thinking of taking clen to lose more fat but hell with that shit i dont want to be shaking and cramping up with headachhs. lose of appetite,and sweats sounds like the same shit crack heads go threw when they cant get more crack... I JUST ALSO WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU GUYS..... I WAS GOING TO ASK IF CLEN HAD ANY SIDE EFFECTS, YOU GAVE ME ENOUGH INFO TO CHANGE MY MIND ON USING IT... thanks
clen really isn't all that bad if you ramp the dose up slowly and you don't overdue it. I know I've bashed it on the boards from time to time but I still use it once in a while.
jaywooly said:
You know, I can't click on either because I can't say I love it or hate it. The sides, specifically the cramping kind of take away from the love.

I've gotten better fat loss from cycles of tren acetate.

I have to go with Jay 100% on this one.
The cramps are horrible if I do not take taurine with it and drink massive amounts of water.... but hey you can watch the fat fall off...
I can't say I love it or hate it - I'm kind of in the middle. It works, although not miraculously, when used with proper dieting and cardio. I get most of the negatives, too, including elevated bp, headaches, shaky hands, and cramps. I don't buy the theory that it's anticatabolic at all. In my experience, you will lose muscle if you're not taking it alongside AAS. My body also seems to adjust to it very quickly, even with benadryl (I haven't tried ketotifen). I do better with 5 days on, 5 days off than I do with 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off.

It is definitely good for one thing. I'm getting over a case of bronchitis at the moment and a small dose of 20mcg really helps open up the airways!
I'm the same way when it comes to how fast my body adjusts to it, but I find if I do 1 week on/1 week off, I don't seem to be fully receptive to it again. In 2 week cycles the dosage feels a little weaker the second week, but I just keep it that way and put up with it. After those full 2 weeks off, it really kicks in good.