
big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
One of my friends swears by the stuff. I've never really had any good results from it. Has anyone ever really seen good results from it? I just don't think of all the supplements out there that this stuff is worth taking, but that's only because I haven't had good results with it
ive tried it twice and both times didnt see anything from it due to the fact that i could stay on it for longer that 2 weeks. The kind i used was in gel form that you put under your tounge. it gave me terrible heartburn and after about a week i couldnt deal with the cramping. id get cramps in my face and in other strange places.
supposedly its what every actor in hollywood takes to shred, prolly gonna help cardio as it will help O2 intae as well (bronchiodialator)
well the key to it is not to depend on it alone. Even when dieting I use very low doses of it along with low doses of T3.
shreds fat fast. i've always put the weight back on when i was done so didn't make sense. but this time i actually got my diet in check was thinking bout maybe takin it 2 weeks....
Made me nauseated even at 30mcgs. It did make me sweat like a beast though. It just wasn't for me.
well the key to it is not to depend on it alone. Even when dieting I use very low doses of it along with low doses of T3.

That's what I thought, he said he takes it by itself, but when I took it I took it with t3 and taurine.
I hate clen, but i know it works wonders for alot of people! I prefer the eca stack personaly but clen with the proper diet and cardio program is a sure way to lose weight FAST
ECA stack is a lot better in my opinion. But it's a little much for some people that I know, but I've always enjoyed a good speed trip