Clomid Side Effects

Adverse visual symptoms including transient blurring of vision, double vision, scotomata(spots), flashing lights, or light sensetivity can occur with clomid. These effects on vision appear to be dose related and usually disappear within a few days or weeks following discontinuance of the drug. Visual symptoms seem to result from intensification and prolongation of after-images and often first appear or are accentuated when you are exposed to a more brightly-lit environment. Decreased visual acuity (blurry vision)may occur.
Reports of posterior cortical senile cataracts are in some studies following clomid therapy, but the exact relationship between cataracts and the drug has not been determined. Ophthalmologically definable scotomata and electroretinographic changes in retinal function have also been reported.

When clomid is used for fertility,It is recommended that any patient with visual symptoms discontinue clomid.

Vasomotor symptoms such as sweating are also commom with clomid. I know you won't like the comparison but they resemble menopausal hot flashes. These effects are usually mild and disappear after clomid therapy is discontinued.

Bottom line is you should stop and not use clomid,I'd use a Nolva based post cycle plan instead.
DecaDent, I have nova, what would be the dose? I have only taken 100mg/clomid today. Any recomendations would be helpful
40mg a day for 5 days(dosed as 20mg two x's a day) then 20 mg a day for 15 days is one way of doing Nolva post cycle.
The blurred vision should improve in a few days once you stop clomid. After the blurred vision is gone if you want to do another challenge with Clomid and see if the vision problem comes back at least wait until next cycle and consider a reduced dose. Another alternative next cycle would be mid cycle HCG followed by post cycle Nolva, play it safe, and just forget about fucking around with clomid.
Your welcome,Glad I could help ya MARMASS. There are some articles on post cycle Nolva that you might also find helpful. You could probably pull them up with the search.
Deca i have taking nolvadex for my hole cycle started clomid 2 days ago.How do you think the best way to come off the nolvadex would be.