Competition Photos of me from June


New member
These photos are of me from June 7th at the Grapplers Quest Shootout tournament.


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i'm 22-3 in submission grappling
1-0 shootfighting
1-0 pro no holds barred

The grappling you see in the pictures above is submission wrestling where you can win on points or make your opponent give up. It encompasses throws, takedowns, armbars, leglocks, choke holds and lots of different postitioning. The only difference between it and ultimate fighting is you cannot strike in grappling matches.

The shootfighting match i did was kickboxing standing and just submission wrestling on the ground

The pro nhb match was everything goes
that is what was in AC right...anything goes..... man, that is some crazy stuff... when no rules involved :D
well i didn't mean EVERYTHIGN cannot eye gouge, bite, pull hair, hit in the groin or kick people while they are can't hit w/ the point of the elbow......there are lots of rules to make it a SPORT instead of a streetfight...but it is the closest you can get to a real fight w/out being dirty and doing the above mentioned things
THe event will be out on DVD and you can eventually buy it through or i believe

i should have a copy in 2-3 wks time
wow congrats bro!

I am new to this board did you fight in Atlanta over the weekend?

I know 2 members were suposed to go just wondering.
You should attend bro...i have a busy upcoming schedule...i'll let everyone know.

sexymama, the promoter said this one might air later this month on PPV.......he's not sure yet.....but the next big one March 1st is supposed to be on for sure from what i hear, u going?
great pictures brotha.......and here I thought getting bigger would keep me safe from guys like