confused - again

Dim Mouse

New member
this is my first time with tren, i'm running a tren/prop/enan blend and am having bad reactions when injecting - but only on glute injects...

if i inject my quad there is a little discomfort mostly just the day after.... very similar to when i ran prop, no big deal... but the last few times i've injected my glutes with this stuff i've had signififcant swelling a lot of redness and even itching in the inject area... i keep getting concerned about the purity of this batch but then i poke my quad and everything's fine...

any thoughts... i've never tried sticking anywhere else besides quands and glutes, might give delts a try... or should i just ditch this batch ?

any advise and or opinions would be greatly appreciated...

i'm kinda hoping someone will say that it's not uncommon with tren... but realisticly i am prepared to throw away this bottle with the possibility of it being contaminated...

i'm on prop right now and get the itchyness sometimes too. as for the redness and swelling, you could be moving the needle around alot inside you muscle while your injecting which could be part of the reason. just take your time when injecting and go slow. also, you could try to brace your elbow against a wall or countertop or something to keep your hand steady when injecting.
Guys if I read this correctly, its a mixture blend of all three together, so you can't take out one of the components. Might you have too much BA in it, and have you tried kaking it and seeing what the results are????
im saying prop does that to me no matter what, if i cut it 1:1 with oil its a little less but it still does it. I just ignore the pain and redness while using prop. Same with suspension.
i only get the itchiness sometimes. i don't usually have pain from injections the next day.
mmx2 said:
Guys if I read this correctly, its a mixture blend of all three together, so you can't take out one of the components. Might you have too much BA in it, and have you tried kaking it and seeing what the results are????

yes sir, I was thinking the same damn thing. Prop. is notorious for causing pain though. I ran a prop./fina/winny cycle and had nothing like that. If it was contaminated you'd have problems with every inject...not just in the glutes bro. just my 2cents
thanks for all your replies...

yeah it is a premixed blend so i can't remove the prop... but i've run straight prop before and i don't mind the prop pain actually after the first couple weeks kinda look forward to it...

flex - ya know, i never thought about how much the needle moves around when i hit the glutes... really can't reach and the needle dances all over the place so maybe that is just exasperating the prop crystalization and causing the additional discomfort...

jacked - thanks that was really the statement that i was hoping to hear, that if it was contaminated it would hurt everywhere... i assumed that but was hoping for a bit of reassurance...
