Contest em up.

I havent forgot about this. Will get this going tonight. SO if you have any last minute ideas, post them.
i like the grip really puts everyone on an even playing field, and I think it would be really interesting who trumps who in terms of grip strength...

I for one have one of the weakest grips in

I really think the most detailed cycle log is maybe not a good idea. I mean anyone who saw my most current AAS+peptide cycle log knows im running just about the most heavily saturated cycle one can, with amazing returns, even though I am coming off a 2 month old shoulder surgery...

Prizes are great to incentivize the whole thing too. I wouldn't even mind seeing who can eat the most food in one sitting. I know it sounds weird, but to me that is just as impressive as some of the lifts we got going on here. I remember guys like h8tred having a very difficult time holding down food and putting on mass; i think we should give some kudos to the guys that can down 5+ pounds of quality food in one sitting, as that is downright impressive.

Also, let's see who has the "best" body-composition without actually being immediately pre-contest. It would obviously be subjective and based on peoples votes, but I want to see who has the lowest bf, best muscle striation and dryness year round without being depleted, ya know? I think that would be quite interesting as well....
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