Cooking video.


New member
I have read some of the threads here about cooking your own gear. It also has been brought up that there is no real good videos of this process. I have yet to even find a good still picture tutorial on the process. I just can't beleve that there is not a member on this sight that has dose not have access to a video or a photo log/tutorial on the process. I think that it would be very informative if one were made by a member that can perform the process legally, or perform the process by substituting possibly illegal compounds with legal vitamins.

I would love for someone to put something like this together.

I would also be willing to assist with some of the supplies to assist with the cost burden.
This thread has 235 views, and still no leads. I guess it's going to be one of those things that just fade away..

bro, I will pay you to make a great step by step video ! lol, I think it would go very far in terms of helping people not kill themselevs lol, and great for traffic here!
bro, I will pay you to make a great step by step video ! lol, I think it would go very far in terms of helping people not kill themselevs lol, and great for traffic here!
Presser, you never seem to amaze me bro you are the man....

from BM
I would be willing to do it for sure. I truly beleve it would prevent allot of people from hurting themselves. I also understand that some people would like to keep that process to themselves, and that is completely understandable. The way I see it is, a person can legally grow their own weed (in some states and country's), brew our own beer and wine. How many people actually do, not many? There will still be a market for those who legaly produce these compounds. I am assuming that most people would not even attempt to produce compounds of this nature. Mostly because of the time, equipment, and materials that it would require.

With all that said, I am just guessing that it is difficult and expensive process to perform. I may be wrong, but i would think that you would need to take special precautions to ensure a true quality product.
Okay, I'm going to stop checking this thread. I don't want it taking up space at the top of the list. If anyone gets any info just pm me.
Actually, making the product isn't that difficult, neither is it too expensive for everything needed to be set up. The main thing is good base product and the necessary storage bottles, quantities of BB & BA and a good filtering system. To make a video on how to make up an oil based product using raw powders would be pretty simple but most likely, boring to watch as it really is as simple as step A, Step B, Step C, etc. when making it for yourself. It is a little different when making it for others as more care needs to be taken obviously. Filtering is the longest duration of the process but, depending on how much you have to spend, this doesn't have to be so time consuming either as you can buy automatic filters which will automate the filtering system and leave you with a "hands off" approach after the powders have been placed and dissolved in the right amounts of BB/BA.
I agree and mentioned this to others as well. A solid how to guide written or video would be ideal to ensure people are learning and essentially helping the community. If I had a good step by step how to guide written I would input a hell of a lot more information. I have personally written how to guides for shit that I trained people on in my military days. Its really not super hard if you fully understand and have knowledge on any specific process. A noob guide would just be down right amazing!!
I been brewing for awhile but I stop due to my source jipped me on my 3rd order on Raws poor quality I was a good costumer

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An need to get another crimper sold it on eBay since I stop for a year very disappointed it was very easy to make an fun to do

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Anyone willing to give me a good quality source I'll be down to make step by step video or pics

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