Cooking video.

I have read some of the threads here about cooking your own gear. It also has been brought up that there is no real good videos of this process. I have yet to even find a good still picture tutorial on the process. I just can't beleve that there is not a member on this sight that has dose not have access to a video or a photo log/tutorial on the process. I think that it would be very informative if one were made by a member that can perform the process legally, or perform the process by substituting possibly illegal compounds with legal vitamins.

I would love for someone to put something like this together.

I would also be willing to assist with some of the supplies to assist with the cost burden.
If I post a step by step,which won't be the best,but it has pictures and a basic guide .if I post it will you do the process with just like oil and some kind of powder? U could even use baking soda,

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You get the point. Homebrewing for personal use is easy. But production for 100, even 1000 people is another thing. Quality powder/carrier oil/solvents,auto filtering system, standard sterilization process, and a sterilized room is necessary. All depends on how much you want to spend on homebrewing or pharma-grade production.
Actually, making the product isn't that difficult, neither is it too expensive for everything needed to be set up. The main thing is good base product and the necessary storage bottles, quantities of BB & BA and a good filtering system. To make a video on how to make up an oil based product using raw powders would be pretty simple but most likely, boring to watch as it really is as simple as step A, Step B, Step C, etc. when making it for yourself. It is a little different when making it for others as more care needs to be taken obviously. Filtering is the longest duration of the process but, depending on how much you have to spend, this doesn't have to be so time consuming either as you can buy automatic filters which will automate the filtering system and leave you with a "hands off" approach after the powders have been placed and dissolved in the right amounts of BB/BA.