Cops arrest Fire Fighter...

Damn man. I can't even imagine. It obviously true, but the statute reads that an emergency vehicle with lights and siren activated does not have to abide by posted speed or other traffic laws as long as they operate the vehicle with due regard. Other vehicles are required by statute to yeild and move to the furthest curb lane and slow to 25mph under posts speed or 15mph whichever is greater...
That's just morally wrong...

Yeah I forget what the exact number was but it was either 10 or 15 over in a 45. I just remember it was one or the other, and remember being pissed about hearing that bc it could be your baby the next time, or a stroke victim within the golden hour, and this time they will not speed due to intimidation from an officer. That shit is life changing, especially strokes, but it could be the same with bleeding out at well, or several different things
Cops can face multiple levels of punishment in a case. Just because their Dept does not punish them doesn't mean the State they work in cannot. Here in Florida there is a Commission that can suspend a cops certification or even revoke it so they can no longer work in law enforcement at all. So if a cop gets a DUI their Dept can take action to suspend or fire them, then the commission gets a shot at them. Then the court takes its shot at you. Hurt someone and they can go after you civilly.

Even the Rodney King cops got it in the end by the Feds over civil rights violations. You can get the Death Penalty for a civil rights violation. No shit.
Actually the job sucks, I know I use to do it. The Cop controls the scene. If he tells the fireman to move the truck the FPD guy should of moved it. It was a pissing match between the two. The CHP is responsible for traffic and the motoring public. If he tells the fireman to move the fireman better move the truck. The Fireman will be disciplined here. They wont file charges but discipline will be handed out. Out here the discipline is usually written up or they take pay. They are suppose to be working professionals. There was a big case in New york years ago after 911. i GUESS THE FIREMAN AND THE COPS HATED EACH OTHER AFTER THIS . iT WAS ALL OVER OVERTIME. The got a call of a burglar stuck in a chimney and had a big arguement about who controlled the scene. The fireman got lumped and sent to jail. There probably more to the story but the Officer controls the scene. Fireman wont even respond to medical calls until the scene is secured by the police. They wait.
Actually the job sucks, I know I use to do it. The Cop controls the scene. If he tells the fireman to move the truck the FPD guy should of moved it. It was a pissing match between the two. The CHP is responsible for traffic and the motoring public. If he tells the fireman to move the fireman better move the truck. The Fireman will be disciplined here. They wont file charges but discipline will be handed out. Out here the discipline is usually written up or they take pay. They are suppose to be working professionals. There was a big case in New york years ago after 911. i GUESS THE FIREMAN AND THE COPS HATED EACH OTHER AFTER THIS . iT WAS ALL OVER OVERTIME. The got a call of a burglar stuck in a chimney and had a big arguement about who controlled the scene. The fireman got lumped and sent to jail. There probably more to the story but the Officer controls the scene. Fireman wont even respond to medical calls until the scene is secured by the police. They wait.

thats not the case, not sure where you worked, but that is not the case brutha
Actually the job sucks, I know I use to do it. The Cop controls the scene. If he tells the fireman to move the truck the FPD guy should of moved it. It was a pissing match between the two. The CHP is responsible for traffic and the motoring public. If he tells the fireman to move the fireman better move the truck. The Fireman will be disciplined here. They wont file charges but discipline will be handed out. Out here the discipline is usually written up or they take pay. They are suppose to be working professionals. There was a big case in New york years ago after 911. i GUESS THE FIREMAN AND THE COPS HATED EACH OTHER AFTER THIS . iT WAS ALL OVER OVERTIME. The got a call of a burglar stuck in a chimney and had a big arguement about who controlled the scene. The fireman got lumped and sent to jail. There probably more to the story but the Officer controls the scene. Fireman wont even respond to medical calls until the scene is secured by the police. They wait.

The officer should secure a scene not bitch about which official vehicle blocks a particular area. Bottom line is fuck that cop
I'm wondering what was the cops hurry? He get paid by the hour. I do not get where the pissing match came from.
I'm wondering what was the cops hurry? He get paid by the hour. I do not get where the pissing match came from.

It's just the simple "he's blocking a specific part of the road, and I should be instead of him, doing the same thing" Like when a little kid doesn't pay attention to his gi joe until another kid has it, than he needs it, bc the other kid has it. baby back bitch shit
Whoa whoa Hoss...
When was the last time you've heard of an Officer doing anything questionable and not being held to the highest standard?? Cops get fired and suspended left and right. I knew a guy that got suspended for 3 days for dropping an F bomb at a party!! Off duty!!
Now Higher Ups, that's a different story. I know of a Major that committed a Hit and Run, On Duty, WHILE DRUNK to another Officers personal vehicle and the whole thing was witnessed by a specialized unit and nothing was done! He was allowed to retire after 27 years with a fat pension and his DROP money. The Officer was told to eat it and never bring it up.
NOBODY at the street level gets away with anything if there is ANY evidence to support it.
There are more than 770,000 Law Enforcement Officers in this country. Now tally up the violations of law by every other profession in this country including politicians.... The fact is that its less than 1/100th of a percent of law enforcement Officers that are ever named as possibly involved in Criminal Offenses. Statistics don't lie, but the Media sure is sensational

Whoa.. Dude!! See, I was nice enough to use your real user name and not insult you, as you so kindly did in addressing me as Hoss!! So, since you've resorted to name calling right off the bat, I get the impression that you've taken my opinion personal or as an insult. In any case, please don't. It's only my opinion. We can disagree with each other and still be curt or professional about it..right?
-- To my defense, I stated "People in such positions of authority, who abuse their power need to be held accountable". I did not say all cops.

Please re-read the context of my opening statement:

"These stories really enrage me. It's seems there's no end to some of this massive abuse of power going on in this country. Politics and police alike!!"

I refer to these stories enraging me about "some of this" massive abuse of power (not a total abuse of power) by our own entrusted law enforcement and government officials. Yeah..sometimes it seems there's no end to these fucking stories bro. I could go on all day, but fact is.. cops are arresting on duty firefighters.

I didn't arrest that firefighter!!
I am a volunteer firefighter myself, so this story was very hard to believe. It certainly seems that the cop was on a power trip. But, we don't know what went down between the firefighter and cop in this instance.

I do believe that there are some cops who do the job because of the power it gives them and those cops will often abuse that power. But, with that being said, I think most cops are there for the right reasons and have my utmost respect.

Also, imagine that someone had a video of you making a huge mistake at your job and posted it for everyone to see. Would you want the whole world judging you and everyone in your profession based on that one incident?
I am a volunteer firefighter myself, so this story was very hard to believe. It certainly seems that the cop was on a power trip. But, we don't know what went down between the firefighter and cop in this instance.

I do believe that there are some cops who do the job because of the power it gives them and those cops will often abuse that power. But, with that being said, I think most cops are there for the right reasons and have my utmost respect.

Also, imagine that someone had a video of you making a huge mistake at your job and posted it for everyone to see. Would you want the whole world judging you and everyone in your profession based on that one incident?

Agreed 100%. Of course with the introduction of the "camera phone", more random work recordings have been on the rise. We may suffer their fate after all!!
Agreed 100%. Of course with the introduction of the "camera phone", more random work recordings have been on the rise. We may suffer their fate after all!!

Yep, did you see the Fed Ex and UPS videos that were going around last Christmas? They would show the drivers just tossing peoples packages on their porch or even over gates. And it would be flat screens TVs and everything. They'd just get close and let them fly.
Yep, did you see the Fed Ex and UPS videos that were going around last Christmas? They would show the drivers just tossing peoples packages on their porch or even over gates. And it would be flat screens TVs and everything. They'd just get close and let them fly.

hahaha..yes I did. My father works for the post office. One of those videos clearly shows a usps truck driving away after the postman threw a huge box over a a huge rod iron fence or gate. If you knew my father, the video would make way much more sense. LOL..
For some reason my phone tells me that there are new posts, but Tapatalk won't show them
Whoa.. Dude!! See, I was nice enough to use your real user name and not insult you, as you so kindly did in addressing me as Hoss!! So, since you've resorted to name calling right off the bat, I get the impression that you've taken my opinion personal or as an insult. In any case, please don't. It's only my opinion. We can disagree with each other and still be curt or professional about it..right?
-- To my defense, I stated "People in such positions of authority, who abuse their power need to be held accountable". I did not say all cops.

Please re-read the context of my opening statement:

"These stories really enrage me. It's seems there's no end to some of this massive abuse of power going on in this country. Politics and police alike!!"

I refer to these stories enraging me about "some of this" massive abuse of power (not a total abuse of power) by our own entrusted law enforcement and government officials. Yeah..sometimes it seems there's no end to these fucking stories bro. I could go on all day, but fact is.. cops are arresting on duty firefighters.

I didn't arrest that firefighter!!

I apologize Bro, when I called you Hoss that was more of a friendly rub definitely not an insult. Hoss, Chief, Commander, Ace, Slick are just terms of endearment I use. It takes ALOT to get me going, but some times I have so much to say that I forget to put in a friendly note to keep it light. That's my bad
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I apologize Bro, when I called you Hoss that was more of a friendly rub definitely not an insult. Hoss, Chief, Commander, Ace, Slick are just terms of endearment I use. It takes ALOT to get me going, but some times I have so much to say that I forget to put in a friendly note to keep it light. That's my bad

Chief, pal, gay lord - Dane Cook
Welcome to the Nazi States of America. Things have gotten way out of hand when emergency response is arrested while doing their job. It blows my mind to hear these stories because they are becoming more common. The police have gotten to the point that they have far more power than they should possess. I have seen a major increase in videos of people traveling through checkpoints that the police place at random locations for no reason at all. It is amazing to hear some of these people respond with stuff along the lines of do what I say because I am an official. I understand they have a job to do, but that doesn't mean they have the right to abuse their power. I am grateful to see that our society agrees that a firefighter helping people hurt in an accident should take priority over his truck impeding the flow of traffic a bit.
In my experience LE and Firefighters tend to have tremendous respect for one another as it should be