Couple cycle questions


New member
My next cycle I'm heading into I want to use test e and deca. I had thought about NPP instead of deca, but I'm really trying to keep the pinning down to a minimum. At least until I'm about eight weeks out at which point I'll switch to prop, masteron, and winny.

So that leads me to my first question. I know the standard practice with long estered stuff is to inject twice a week "to keep blood levels stable". And I have done this in the past, but how detrimental would it be to just do the complete dose of enathate and deca in one day every week?

Second question is about the deca. I have never done it before, and I'm curious where I should start as far as dose goes. I'll be running 600mg of test e, and increase that if I start to stall. I had pretty good results using sust and eq last year at 750/400 per week respectively. Next time I want to use 600mg of EQ though, I think that will work better for me.
Should I do the deca at 400 or higher? I'm trying to put on as much mass as possible from now to beginning of April or so. I've read that 600 is pretty much the max for deca, because after that it is diminishing returns for most people? So maybe I should just start there? If I were to do 600, do you think 600 of test is enough, or should the test always be higher than the nandrolone?

Thanks in advance to anyone with suggestions

Oh, PS I'll also be running 100mcg of mod grf and ghrp 6 three times per day.
well..... this being your first time with deca, I would go with NPP. If the sides are unbearable (gyno,bloat,acne, etc), you can quit it, and it will be out of your system fast, unlike deca. Gyno can hit, and nolva or arimidex wont do shit. Get some cabaser/dostinex.
As far as the test, I personnally would always have my test the highest out of everything I run. Why? Just for insurance reasons (keep the sex drive going strong), and its cheap.
Well I already have deca, and caber. So it's really a matter of how much and how often. I think 400mg is probably the safest bet since I don't know how sensitive I will be to a 19 nor.
I have used a prohormone in the past, like ten years ago, that was a nandrolone prohormone and I loved it and had great results.