Couple questions!!!

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mrs456 is starting t-3 tommorow  25/50/75/75/50/25 this is mcg's per day per week for 6 weeks. Would she see better results running an eca with it? We usually take thermadrene. I told her she might experience an increase in hunger too,    now should she continue her same food intake or increase it a bit when she gets her t-3 munchies? Thanks to all in advance!!!
Ok..I see how it is!!! We all bitch and moan cause nobody ever posts on the womens board:sad:.....BUT when somebody doesn't get an answer!!!! Come guys don't have lives...its the weekend!!!:wink:  LOL!! I just also wanted to ask opinions of running clen with t-3.Sasha??? Anyone ever do this....HELLOOOO???.
sorry sorry..  sasha has been sick with bronchitis.. lol..  and hasn't said much <!--emo&:(--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('><!--endemo-->
she should take a therme with it. if she's not taking clen..  i would suggest the clen and t3 combo if you have the clen around...for the most fat burning effect...
i know you guys gave up on the clen before but... give it a few days to stop with the sides and you will be fine..

if no clen.. take the therme's as you would normally..
yes she may have in increase in appetite.. some people suggest that you should up your carb intake to compensate for the it..  i usually stay on s strict diet with low carbs to burn as much as possible.. and lots of water to cure the hunger that comes..
Thanks sasha. Yeah we have the clen around. She has done 2-two week cycles of clen at 4 tabs a day. I don't think it works for her...I'll tell her what you said. I know she is taking thermadrene today..Maybe clen tommorow!!!! Hope you start feeling better...nothin worse than being sick in the summer!!!!  Oh since she knows that 4 tabs of clen a day is her limit should she work her way back up to 4 or just start taking 4 right away(spaced out I mean)
start taking the 4 off the bat... and she may be able to increase it..
from your post before.. did she only take it for 2 weeks.. or just the 2 on 2 off. thing.. if she only took it for 2 weeks.. well of course you not really gonna see any results...
She originally took it(clen) for 1 week then she took 2weeks off for other reasons. Then she took it for 2 weeks on 1 week off...then 2 weeks on and now she has been off for 1 week and started t-3 friday. How many 2 week cycles of clen is needed for it to be effective??
she can do it up to 4 times ie

1,2 clen
3 eca
4,5 clen
6 eca
7,8 clen
9 eca
10,11 clen
12, eca

it usually takes 4 weeks to really see any any significant difference.. and run the t33  for the last 6 weeks... if you going to take it for the 12 weeks... :)
I think on her off weeks from clen she has had trouble keeping up with the ECA(thermadrene)..sometimes that stuff just makes you feel nauseating. Well hopefully the t-3/clen combo will get her the results she wants. Thanks Sasha.
Hey thing I noticed was you said she would be doing 6 weeks of the T-3.  I just want to say that I always heard you should not do more that 5 weeks of it.  Is she able to do 6 weeks because her dosage will be lower than what a normal male would do?

It was suggested to me by Napalm to do my cycle this way.  I have read different articles about T3 and they all say different dosages.  I have seen them varied from 4 weeks to 8 weeks.  I think the important thing is not to take the individual dosages too high and to slowly increase and decrease the doseages.  