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fellas, I have been cramping like crazy lately. When I worked chest, my hamstrings would cramp. Today I did bi's and my forarms and tris keep cramping. Not on any diuretics or anything, just IGF. ANy ideas? Hydration has been ~3/4 gallon daily...
could be your electrolytes-try kicking up your potassium and see if that helps
though to be honest with you for like the past 5 cycles when I come off and start in with the clen I cramp like HELL :mad:
and I'm talking weird shit too like traps cramping or waking up in the middle of the night with a calf cramp from hell-those are the worst when you feel the muscle trying to relax and your limping around your bedroom tripping over shit trying to get it to stop :dizzy:
i am 1 week off a enanthate ,eq cycle havent started pct yet no clen nothing and i am having massive cramps all over.even when i shower my chest muscle cramps up when i wash my arm pits. i don't think it is a hydration thing i have no idea what it is but would like to know if it is a post cycle thing.anyone.
If I have tough chest workout I'll usually cramp when I try to reach across my body or something. It's happen on and off cycle for me, not sure what it could be, but it seems to be the only muscle that will cramp really bad like that.