CrossFit -- Sued By Transgender Athlete

Always look at their hands, if there beautiful and some trannies are the hands will give them away. If it has big friggin hands and its beautiful, run and run fast.
you look at their hands-if the ring finger is bigger than the fore finger it's a guy

girl's have longer fore fingers compared to the ring finger
There are more than one thing wrong with this fucking issue. I hate everyone equally but I especially hate fucking assholes who want to cheat the system and scream discrimination.

I hate crossfit but I love their response.

Right on Buffalo!
and he/she wants 2.5 million. I too, love their response. lol, I was taking a night class at our community college and
I always check out the action. There was a beautiful black woman with some BIG TA TA'S. Always wore a scarf though.
(adams apple is the other giveaway. Women dont have them. That is why Bruce Jenner got his shaved. lol) I didnt
catch on and then one class I happened to look at her hands and they were bigger then mine, and I have some meathooks.
Shocked the shit out of me. lol
What I said was QUite clear, If I was slipped a roofie(the date rape drug that nocks you out) is the only way it could happen between me and her/him.

I was also quite clear in that some trannies are so fucking hot, that i wouldn't need shit to wanna fuck them, lmao, or let them suck my dick! lol, BAM Bitch!

No need to try to make a crack…I laid that shit out for ya! Yeah I will fuck a hot tranny right in his feminine ass!! lmao

How do you have sex if you're unconscious? Haha, this reminds me of a video you might like. I'll have to find it and post it for you
How do you have sex if you're unconscious? Haha, this reminds me of a video you might like. I'll have to find it and post it for you

its like your in quick sand every time you talk isn't it lol, just bow out of this one brutha, wasn't funny the first time, nor the forced 2nd time, a 3rd will just be down right embarrassing for ya! lmao
There would have to be a lot of drugs involved.



So basically your saying with the right amount of test, a rock hard bat, you would take a swing?