current cycle help


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Well I have been planing to run a long cycle till next September and see if I look good enough to do a show in September
I started test p 100mg eod npp 100mg eod for 4 weeks then added test e 250 mg /w + tren e and dbol for 6weeks so far also mc igf on working out days only athe 100 mcg . I have never felt or looked better than I do right now I gained about 15 lbs and gone down from 15% bf to 8% which is very impressive results witjmh nearly no sides at all except for night sweats
its so bad that I have to wake up twice during the night to change the bed sheet cause its soaking wet.
now I am thinking about dropping npp and tren e . But I want to keep having same kind of results so I was thinking about adding to the test p and test e either masteron p or primo but dunno what esle to add.
You will not get tren like results with anything but tren. having said that, it is very difficult for most to run that compound year round. mast is a good addition but primo, if you can find the real thing, will have to be run at such a high dosage to be effective, it might not be worthwhile. I love the stuff when I can afford it.
Well I have been planing to run a long cycle till next September and see if I look good enough to do a show in September
I started test p 100mg eod npp 100mg eod for 4 weeks then added test e 250 mg /w + tren e and dbol for 6weeks so far also mc igf on working out days only athe 100 mcg . I have never felt or looked better than I do right now I gained about 15 lbs and gone down from 15% bf to 8% which is very impressive results witjmh nearly no sides at all except for night sweats
its so bad that I have to wake up twice during the night to change the bed sheet cause its soaking wet.
now I am thinking about dropping npp and tren e . But I want to keep having same kind of results so I was thinking about adding to the test p and test e either masteron p or primo but dunno what esle to add.

lol, change sheets, sounds about right, i know i use to go through a few shirts and pillows every night, lol
I disagree bro with tren being only thing to create the tren look.
NPP, Masterone, and anavar will produce same results. if diet is in check.

and to OP idont thing you lost 7% bfat in that time unless your one bad mother fucker setting your diet up. people don't relize the effort it takes to lose body fat for a normal genetic person.
now im not sure what body type you have bro, but im guessing you starting at 15% your not ecto morphic at all, hi thyroid.
you lost probably a lot of water.
This is just My opinion ytake it for what you want.
but stay on tren and test prop, add in masterone. doesn't matter if its prop or enenthate. Tren/prop/mast is holy grail of body building, add in winstrol to dry out more or anadrol to fill out more.
you wont be disappointed with results
I disagree bro with tren being only thing to create the tren look.
NPP, Masterone, and anavar will produce same results. if diet is in check.

and to OP idont thing you lost 7% bfat in that time unless your one bad mother fucker setting your diet up. people don't relize the effort it takes to lose body fat for a normal genetic person.
now im not sure what body type you have bro, but im guessing you starting at 15% your not ecto morphic at all, hi thyroid.
you lost probably a lot of water.
This is just My opinion ytake it for what you want.
but stay on tren and test prop, add in masterone. doesn't matter if its prop or enenthate. Tren/prop/mast is holy grail of body building, add in winstrol to dry out more or anadrol to fill out more.
you wont be disappointed with results

well i will post a pic and u tell me what bf% u think i am now and u will be shocked if u will know my diet lol x
oh i forgot to add that since i started tren i added gw1516 with it. thats why i think i lost that much bf that quick , and the funny thing is i don't count mircos for my diet , i am not even on a diet i just eat 6 meals in time, consist of as much protien i can afford for example
7 am meal 1 oats 5 whole eggs , protein shake which include ( whey isolate , banana ,honey , peanut butter glutamine , creatine , hmb , a banana )
10 am meal 2 a big fat dbl 1/2 bound cheese burger with 2 whole eggs (i make the burgers my self to make sure it's pure meat)
1 pm tuna or smoked salmon wrap with salad and garlic mayo
4 pm another wrap
6 pm gym time
7:30 pm another protein shake
08:30 jacket potatoes or sweet potatoes , salad and chicken breast or tuna stake

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and i eat chocolate all the time lol
you look great brutha, and no other compound is like tren, period!
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Hmm you do have a good genetic response to the hormones. After pic is good you look good. Props to you on the gains. But you wernt al that fat in before pic. You can see top abs. You looked around 10-12 with a lot of water. Good response to hormones. Poeple don't realize how much water the body holds. Most pros in the off season look fat as fuck, but all it is, is bloat. They rarely ever get over 8%bf. the. Enter a show sub 6%.

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This is perfect body fat guestamation

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