Cutting cycle critique


New member
Hey all,
Could always use some info from thos ewho know better... This will be my 1st cutting cycle, Ive done a single bulker (Test-E and Deca).

I was wondering what you guys thought of this cycle...

Test Propionate 150 Every other day Week 1 - 10
Tren Acetate 100mg Every other day 1 - 10
Winny 50mg Everyday 6-10

Most particularly the Tren. A few smart individuals here on the board recommended that Tren isnt the best for a 1st time cutter... so im open to suggestions for that as well as PCT. For PCT Im thinking 6 weeks of Nolva.

Some info: Age 22
Height: 6'
Weight: ~210lbs

Diet is going well, hitting the gym as much as possible... at times twice a day (once carido and other time weights).

Let me know what you guys think!
Appreciate the feedback
thanks body2see, appreciate your comments bro.

My acne would probably start up as well, have had a history of it in the past.

so, heres the dilemma... I have access to everything listed, prop/winny/anavar/EQ

What if I was to drop the Tren lower to 75 EOD?

From what I understand you only start seeing results after 8 weeks for EQ and
Var is a waste unless you can afford high dosages... like 40mg+ ?
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8 weeks to see effects from EQ is absolute BS

3 to 4 weeks MAX

Also If you want your cycle to be a "Cutting cycle"
Run an aromatase inhibitor during the whole cycle. Keep your estrogens down.
This will result in less bloat less water retention therefor you will look leaner.
Also it might help with your acne.
Use Femera (2.5/day) or Anastrozol (1mg/day)

good luck bro