Cutting cycle!!


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Hay all you gym rats!! Hope all is good with you folks and yer savaging youselfs as hard as possible in the gym!!

I been away slopping around for a while(Sure some of you guys knows how it feels for every ass in the gym growing bigger and faster than you and theres nothing you can do about it) Well this has really got me down but im taking a diff route and gonna start off with trying to find some of these muscles under this fat!!

I was looking for advise on a very simple stack, was thinkin of,

anavar 20mg's a day weeks 1-7
primo depo 200mgs a week 1-7
igf-1 last 4 weeks
hcg to finish off

Enen think of changin anavar with low dose of d-bol?

Any advise would be cool im gonna be hitting up the boxing and cardio with heavy weights and try to loose 30lbs

Any advise from you monster dogs would be appreciated!!! :thumbsup:
brutalI said:
Hay all you gym rats!! Hope all is good with you folks and yer savaging youselfs as hard as possible in the gym!!

I been away slopping around for a while(Sure some of you guys knows how it feels for every ass in the gym growing bigger and faster than you and theres nothing you can do about it) Well this has really got me down but im taking a diff route and gonna start off with trying to find some of these muscles under this fat!!

I was looking for advise on a very simple stack, was thinkin of,

anavar 20mg's a day weeks 1-7
primo depo 200mgs a week 1-7
igf-1 last 4 weeks
hcg to finish off

Enen think of changin anavar with low dose of d-bol?

Any advise would be cool im gonna be hitting up the boxing and cardio with heavy weights and try to loose 30lbs

Any advise from you monster dogs would be appreciated!!! :thumbsup:
the anvar dosage is very weak...they would give that dsoe to a woman...the primo dose is just a need upwards or 600mgs or so a week to notice the primo...

why not get rid of some of the fat 1st then run a cycle?
I would add a fast test... like a prop... Giantklr is right, prim is way low... my last show i ran 100mg daily and it worked great... Winny would be good too... how much fat are we talking here??
Cheers for your input lads! I am gonna go loose a good 10lbs+ before use any gear!!!

I am very weary of using any test, as i have sufferd from depression through things like cyp, enanth, sust and deca, this is the reason im trying to stick to the light stuff to minimise any side affects.

As for fat levels im roughly 185lbs 5;7" i think about 18% b/f the only place i got any fat is on my belly! I go away for 2 weeks and should be shifting at least 10lbs in my 2 weeks away so see how, i just need to order my gear in advance so i can get by the spring here in scotland!
I dissagree here,sorry,.I would say no to everything your thinking of taking. If you really want to see results try something more like this. 25-35mg d-bol for 6 weeks,splitting doses morning and night, 200-300mg Deca for 10 weeks,at week 8,start adding winstrol at 50 eod or oraly 50 a day, all while taking nolvadex at 20 mg a day for the whole will also need to get yourself some clomid insted of hcg,Its my opinion that hcg is not needed for a beginner cycle,clomid should do just fine. Start 100mg clomid 1 week after last injection. Take 50mg in morning and 50mg at night for 1 week. Then go down to 50mg a day for 2 more weeks taking 25mg in mornig and 25 at night. That my friend is a great beginner mass cycle. As for losing weight,add in some Clen and or try an E.C.A. stack together with the clen. Start taking the clen when you start taking the winny. Hope this helps out.
I was a little confused. You mentioned anavar then spoke about replacing it with dbol. Those two steroids do very different things. Are you going to bulk or cut? If it is to cut, which I'm pretty sure is what you are wanting to do, then you don't want dbol. I'd go with what tool said except for the dbol. I'd put some test prop in there possibly 100mg EOD instead. You'd get some good lean mass without too much water. You could leave the IGF in there, it works very well with any AAS. No reason to leave that one out, and you could run it during the entire cycle.
no dbol bro. To much water retention if your trying to lean out. Go with Winstrol or t-bol. And i do think test prop would be good to use, i know u say it causes slight depression, but test is a must in all cycles in my opinion. I think you can get away with 75mg EOD. If depression occurs, get some 5-htp, suppose to work agaist depression and its not exspensive, look it up online, its legal fyi.