Cutting Diet - need some help


New member
Hey all... Hope everyones doing good!

Havent been here in awhile, nice to be back :)

Anyhow, some background info before the nitty gritty...

Age: 22
Height: 6'
Weight: 210lbs
Bodyfat %: not sure, would guess nothing more than average

A.S background: 1 bulker which included Test-E and Deca over a year ago

Looking to cut this time... Cycle will likely be along the lines of:

Test Propionate 150 Every other day Week 1 - 10
Tren Acetate 100mg Every other day 1 - 10
Winny 50mg Everyday 6-10

Now, what I need help with is perhaps the most important... dieting.

I actually have no clue what to eat when on a cutter. Im a food lover... I love restaurants and all types of food... but will require your suggestions as to what to eat during this cutter.

Feel free to make a daily plan for me, believe me I wont stop you :laugh:

So, basically, is there a certain ratio for protein/carbs and such that I should be following?

What are good food recommendations? Chicken? Steak? Salad? How about things like mayo and such?

Pretty much, 'll be hitting the grocery store tomorrow and looking for things to pickup.

Would love to hear your suggestions brothers.

Thanks in advance

- Flav
Jumping into tren rather quickly bro, make sure you know how to use it, what to exspect, and how to combat sides...
thanks for the heads up bigworm

Going to hit the grocery store in a few hours... would love some suggestions on what to pick up for a cutting diet

Chicken Breast?
Whole wheat bread?
Egg whites?
salad toppings?

anyone got suggestions?
I would steer clear of bread all together while cutting. everything else you have listed sounds good. Try to get your protein from leaner sources like fish and chicken and egg whites. If you're looking to add carbs they should be from veggies but you can add oatmeal, oats, barley etc. but not processed.

I question your rationale for using tren... I don't recommend tren to anyone unless they are experienced users. I know a lot of bro's sing it's praises but the sides are pretty rough particularly on newbies.
thanks mike, I appreciate the lookout...
Im reading a bit more on Tren at the moment.

What would you recommend for a 1st time cutter cycle? Just remove the tren and keep
Test Propionate 150 Every other day Week 1 - 10
Winny 50mg Everyday 6-10

Im open to suggestions brother.
Hows brown rice? Cutting bread is gona be a tough one for me! So used to it. Oh well, byebye bread
A few basic questions...

I know its of interest to keep your calories in the negative range when cutting.

On average, how many calories does a person eat a day?
how many do they burn just living for 24 hours?
Flav said:
A few basic questions...

I know its of interest to keep your calories in the negative range when cutting.

On average, how many calories does a person eat a day?
how many do they burn just living for 24 hours?
There are many different formulas you can use to determine your caloric maintenance level by taking into account the factors of age, sex, height, weight, lean body mass, and activity level. Any formula that takes into account your lean body mass (LBM) will give you the most accurate determination of your energy expenditure, but even without LBM you can still get a reasonably close estimate.

The "quick" method (based on total bodyweight)

A fast and easy method to determine calorie needs is to use total current body weight times a multiplier.

Fat loss = 12 - 13 calories per lb. of bodyweight
Maintenance = 15 - 16 calories per lb. of bodyweight
Weight gain: = 18 - 19 calories per lb. of bodyweight

This is a very easy way to estimate caloric needs, but there are obvious drawbacks to this method because it doesn't take into account activity levels or body composition. Extremely active individuals may require far more calories than this formula indicates. In addition, the more lean body mass one has, the higher the maintenance will be. Because body fatness is not accounted for, this formula may greatly overestimate the caloric needs if someone is extremely overweight or obese. For example, a lightly active 50 year old woman who weighs 235 lbs. and has 34% body fat will not lose weight on 3000 calories per day (255 X 13 as per the "quick" formula for fat loss).
For foods you need:

chicken and turkey breasts
pork tenderloin
lean beef (@ least 96% lean)
fish: cod, talapia, orange roughy, salmon, tuna
egg whites

brown rice
oatmeal (not instant!)
whole wheat pasta
sweet potatoes
all green veggies

olive oil
canola oil
flax seeds and oil
grapeseed oil
natty PB
generally, you should be eating the same things you ate when bulking, but just less of them. Obviously, you are not a "clean" bulker though.

simply cleaning up your diet is the first step. that will start the process. Then slowly reduce calories each week while increasing your cardiovascular training (more cardio sessions each week).
great info Chica!

Any idea how many calories (on average) a person burns a day just living? I heard somewhere like 2000 calories are burnt on a 24 hour period of you just living your average life with no exercise... true?
so with some quick basic math..

3500 calories = 1 pound

based on the quick method you mentioned above (I know its not 100% ideal for everyone, but just a rough figure)...

Fat loss = 12 - 13 calories per lb. of bodyweight

210 (my weight) X 12 = 2520.
my BMR showing about 2135... that makes a difference of 385 calories/day.

If im correct, an average 45min cardio is about 500 calories... correct?
I meant to type your RMR-Resting Metabolic Rate is 2135... your Daily Caloric Needs is 2540... based on online calculator. Your RMR is what you body needs just for its physiologic function.

Saying you can burn 500 calories during a 45min cardio session is not possible... there are too many factors involved.. once again your bf%, the intensity of the cardio, your metabolism, your heart rate... etc. What are you trying to figure out? How many calories you need to eat/day based on your workout? Is this your first time dieting?
Yeah Chica this would be my 1st serious diet.

Im just trying to figure out a comfortable ratio of food intake to cardio needed in order to see some improvement in my bodyfat %.

The reason I brought up the 500calories burnts in45mins is because thats what Im showing in a 45min cardio session... was just an example.
the whole point of my diet is to get some body definition... I have the mass, especially after I did my bulk cycle with Test-E and Deca.

But I have yet to start my cutting diet... Im trying to get as much info as I can on dietting (because I believe its extremely important) before I start to research a cutter cycle.
So the main idea is to see muscle definition and get rid of that bodyfat %.
Flav a good thing to do is journal your progress. I use for my foods. They now have alot of other features added like calculating amount of cals burned during exercise.... even sex! LOL!! It's really a good tool. I just started back using it today. Before I would write everything down... I pretty much know my body now so I use fitday for my food journal.
Protien: Mostly Grilled chicken and fish. My favorite fish are salmon and tuna (the real stuff not the canned). You could also use very lean cuts of red meat, turkey or pork but I would them more sparingly.

Carbs: I feel the perfect carb is oatmeal, but not the instant like 1fitchica said. Other good choices are sweet potatoes, brown rice (which personally I don't like), and whole wheat pasta

Tip: Use spices!!! This will give you lots of flavor without any added calories. My favorite is cajon seasoning. I also like lemon pepper seasoning. Just experiment with different spices until you find a combo that you like.

1fitchica had some good estimates on where to start with your calories just remeber that it is a starting point and you may have to adjust as you go.

When dieting I usually eat about every 3 hours 6-8 meals per day. Just take your calories and split your meals accordingly. Water, drink at least a gallon per day.