Cutting Edge Athletic Apparel


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IonX – a revolutionary technology and new category of athletic performance apparel – amplifies the body’s ability to perform and recover. By harnessing the proven power of negative ions, IonX naturally replenishes the body’s energy and enhances every stage of an athlete’s workout.

The Benefits of Negative Ions
Harnessing the power of negative ions, IonX naturally replenishes energy, restores balance and enhances every stage of an athlete’s workout. It creates a near-perfect environment for the body, helping stimulate, sustain and recover from exercise.

Electromagnetic fields saturated with negative ions have been used for centuries in Asian medicine and for decades by international militaries, space programs and Olympic athletes to increase alertness, attentiveness and sustained energy levels. An increasing body of scientific evidence validates the power of negative ions in enhancing performance and easing pain.

The Creation of IonX
This patented breakthrough technology is being launched by Canterbury of New Zealand in North America. The company has 103-year heritage as a leading sports apparel brand in Europe, New Zealand and Australia, helping athletes improve their on- and off-field performance. Canterbury of New Zealand is leveraging this platform to globally introduce IonX, an entirely new level of innovation in high-performance clothing, and to launch the company’s sport products in the United States.

The company worked with renowned textile experts to develop the fabric. It is engineered to contain a finish saturated with negative ions that have been converted from airborne to a liquid form. By crosslinking the finish to the fabric through a patented process, an electromagnetic field is built into the molecular structure of IonX products for the life of the garment.

How IonX is Different
The patented IonX finish can be applied to compression garments, expanding the garment’s ability to increase energy and remove lactic acid. It can also be applied to loose-fitting garments, uniquely and exclusively providing the same benefits without requiring compression. Regardless of the fabric, IonX provides moisture management and anti-microbial features plus a unique energy management capability. And, most importantly, when worn after exercise, IonX helps expedite recovery, unlike any other product on the market.

How IonX Works
When you expend energy, the molecules in your body are left holding a positive charge. Positively charged ions alone provide no benefit and can actually be harmful to your health. They need a negative ion to couple with and stabilize, which releases energy essential to all bodily functions. The imbalance or instability created in your system through exercising is only rectified over a period of time, during which the body can naturally recover.

IonX garments overcome this problem by creating a negatively charged electromagnetic field around the body when wearing the garment, which immediately works to restore the energy and balance in your system. Negative ions in the fabric pass through the skin, neutralize the positive ions and transform them into a storage bank of usable energy. Being in direct contact with the skin and working with your body’s own electromagnetic charge, the fabric naturally enables maximum absorption of the negative ions.

What IonX Does
The technology creates a near-perfect environment for your body, helping stimulate, sustain and recover from exercise.

IonX stimulates muscle activity (contraction and regeneration) and power output by:

  • increasing blood flow and the delivery of oxygen to the tissue and muscles
  • realigning the body’s natural electrical activity for optimum performance
  • activating receptors and chemicals that improve muscle function and block pain
IonX provides a natural way to sustain high-intensity exercise over a longer period by:

  • converting non-usable metabolic waste into energy for continued use during exercise
  • trapping and transforming electrolytes into usable energy
  • increasing blood flow, which enables sustained muscle contraction and reduces short-term fatigue
IonX accelerates muscle repair, regeneration and recovery by:

  • increasing blood flow, which delivers oxygenated blood and nutrients to the muscles
  • preventing the build up of metabolic waste, such as lactic acid, which causes muscle fatigue and soreness
  • increasing the metabolic properties of tissues, which reduces inflammation and pain
What do you think? A very interesting theory. I'm going to order some for my own personal use, and put it to the test.

Mahalo nui loa,
