Cyber Supplementz is back!

The Dude

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I must've missed the announcement. I just noticed the banner up last night. It's very nice to have one of our best sponsors return. I have had nothing but success with every product that I have tried. I'm looking forward to picking up some Aqua Burn and M1T in the near future
Yep, I just ordered some more Aqua-Alis from them. This stuff is good for more than just putting led in your pencil, the FDA just approved it for treating an enlarged prostate so those of us that deal with this while on can really benefit from using it.
Off to a bumpy start, but it'll pick up. It's all part of the transition to the new owner, things should be running smoothly and flawless in a week.
im thinking about aqua burn and alis been doing research M1T for the past 30 mins but looks like results not worth the sides. i want to order a hand full of things but no one site has everything i want. come on MC i need alis and melanotan II
im thinking about aqua burn and alis been doing research M1T for the past 30 mins but looks like results not worth the sides. i want to order a hand full of things but no one site has everything i want. come on MC i need alis and melanotan II

and torem!
im thinking about aqua burn and alis been doing research M1T for the past 30 mins but looks like results not worth the sides. i want to order a hand full of things but no one site has everything i want. come on MC i need alis and melanotan II

I'll be honest with you I've been running m1t for a while now without sides. You just have to take the right vitamins and supplements with it. A multi, cranberry fruit, hawthorn berry, milk thistle and saw palmetto
I'll be honest with you I've been running m1t for a while now without sides. You just have to take the right vitamins and supplements with it. A multi, cranberry fruit, hawthorn berry, milk thistle and saw palmetto

I know it's early but I've been on it for almost a week with no sides other than increased aggression and a nice bump in strength. Like big said just make sure you're covered with liver protection and the other essentials.
I'm aggressive by nature so I never noticed increased aggression, but strength was a very noticeable difference
I'll be honest with you I've been running m1t for a while now without sides. You just have to take the right vitamins and supplements with it. A multi, cranberry fruit, hawthorn berry, milk thistle and saw palmetto
i might give M1T a try after my final attempt to reverse gyno with letro still making up with the gf from the last attempt damn the sides suck from letro. how long do yall run M1T and at what dose? should i up my TRT or leave it at 100mg a week? any other tips appriciated
I was running M1T at 25mg on training days to start then moved up to 50mg after 2 weeks. You can leave your TRT at 100mg and should be fine. I started the M1T with Suspension and NPP and saw gains the first week. It was insane how strong I was getting. I'm pretty light, but I was doing 3 plates and a 25 on the seated incline hammer strength
Oh and I ran it until 2 bottles were done. I don't remember exactly how long it was, but I'd guess around 2 months roughly