Cycle issues

What makes me even more confused is how I've lost a lot of bloat from thr cycle. I'm on my last two weeks. And I'm still 248. I've only lost two pounds since coming off my other 2 compounds, whatever the hell they were. Lol. Letro and cabaser have kept me quite dry so idk man. Idk how I'm keeping as much as I am
Well, either way, I'm happy for u bro.

I've only done 3 cycles, but I've yet to "blow up".
I'm really hoping it's gonna happen in my next cycle or two. We'll see.

So far, I've only got a bit of a recomop, but I really want to experience "blowing up". 20-30lbs in a cycle would blow my mind!
I've actually lost about 13lbs since I started using AAS (about 9 months ago), but I'm a little bigger than I was when I started, so it's not all bad.